Challenged Cat
Mom got home last night very late. She was so tired she didn't even get her suitcase out of the car, she just went in and went to bed. It was almost morning time.
I don't know how she does all this work stuff. Her clothes never get to go in the drawers anymore, she just takes them out of the big black suitcase, washes them and packs them right back in it. It hasn't always been like this. She used to have a bunch of days and nights at home before she'd pack up and go away, but lately she has more days and nights away from home.
I don't like it because she's not here to do stuff for me. I haven't had special cat treats in a month. That is unacceptable. She is going to the new Walmart today, it just opened yesterday, and I know Walmart has cat treats. If she comes back without them, I'm going to scratch something.
We got some disappointing news this morning from Mom's mom. The mom cat and three kittens that were at their house are gone now. Maybe they went back to their real house. This means that we will be getting a new kitty from the shelter. Now the shelter kitties are fine but that means we have to take what we get and I don't get to do interviews and pick the one I like best.
This news has depressed me and all I have done this morning is lay around and mope. It hasn't done me any good, Mom still says this is what we are going to do. I want to pick my new sister/brother/friend. Hanging out with the wrong cat can ruin a guy's reputation. I've worked hard to to get my reputation and I don't want to mess it up. I am a cool cat.
So,,,did you get a new cat??? Inquiring cat's want to know!!
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