Throne Monkey

Monday, May 22, 2006

A long update......

Well, first Mom and the big man did not come home Friday night. They went to some party called a graduation and spent the night with somebody. I was not pleased. I am ready for a new cat and if Mom is never home, I'm never going to get one. Since she didn't come home Friday night, I didn't come home until late Saturday. Let her see how it feels.

Remember a few weeks ago those people babies came to stay with us for 2 days and 2 nights? I bet yall thought that was fun. No.

People babies are a lot of trouble is what they are. They get into everything. Mom told them to leave us alone (that's when Sister was still here). Sometimes they would leave us alone for a few minutes, but only to get into something else. If I got into Mom's cabinets like that, I'd get squirted with the red spray bottle. But look at those people babies! Do they look they're getting sprayed????

I tried to stay away from them as much as I could. But whenever they would get fussy, Mom would say, "where's the kitty?" and they'd come looking for us.

Black Hair Girl is too fast and she has big feet. She steps on me. Red Hair Boy didn't know the difference in "kitty" and fake rooster, but I didn't care. At least I didn't have two people babies stepping on me at the same time.

I don't know why we have to have people babies over at our house. Mom just acts all goofy about them. This morning she was telling the big man how much she missed them and wanted to see them. I was thinking to myself, "how do you think I feel?" I've been without Sister for a bunch of days and nights and I was promised a new kitty. I think I should get a new kitty before those people babies come back.

I have more to write about those people babies, but right now I have to go. Mom is not home and I'm on the big man's new laptop. He doesn't know I use it because I'm pretty sneaky about it. I just noticed I have some kitty litter on my paws and I don't want it getting stuck in the keyboard. I like being sneaky because I am a cool cat.


Blogger Pass me another cold one said...

I hope your mommy gets cracking soon,,. Things are up with my mom too,,,she's been acting all weird and crying alot....what's that all about????

Oh,,and she did the worsted thing last night,,,she kicked ME off the bed!!! Can you believe that! and you thought your life was bad.hhhmmmppphhh.

Sammy the cat.

5:02 PM  
Blogger Monkey said...

Sammie, we can't have Moms taking over the beds. Those are OUR beds, we only let the people sleep in them when we want them too.

Are you being sweet to your Mommie since she is sad? I had to be sweet to Mom when she was very, very, very sad. Sometimes Mommies need kitties to be sweet and love them. Then when they stop being sad, you can go back to being a cool cat!

6:51 PM  

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