This morning it was over my big water bowl. I was trying to get a drink. Everybody knows I'm thirsty in the mornings when I come in. I was drinking water and she got out of bed and came and tired to sit on my water bowl. I was drinking and I was not about to get pushed off my bowl. So I tried to hold on and keep her from sitting. Well, her butt is bigger than me and she pushed me into the big water bowl! I got all wet and I was not a happy cat AT ALL.
She has chairs all over the house that she can sit in, there is no reason for her to push me off my water bowl. And then, when she got up, she did something to my water bowl and made all the
water go around. I was mad because all the water was going out of my bowl and I was still thirsty. I was trying to figure out where it was going and she was laughing at me.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do about this. I have three big water bowls in our house. Maybe I need to start drinking out of one of the other bowls since Mom obviously broke mine.
Mom is also mad at me because yesterday I was not feeling very good and I had an accident in the big man's chair again. I didn't mean to! She was in her office upstairs and I needed to poo really really bad. I tried to hide it but she found it as soon as she came downstairs. She was very mad at me. I tried to tell her it was an accident but she just put me outside. I didn't care, though. I just played with some moles until they died and didn't worry about much after that.
Me and Anthony had a cool time together this weekend when Mom and the big man were gone camping. We played and hung out together. He fed me in the house and outside. He is cool, like me.
Mom and the big man had a good time camping. They went swimming in a lake and cooked stuff to eat on the fire. Some of the people kids were there. Now I'm glad I didn't go because I found out two of the people babies were there and the mean one - Black Hair Girl - was one of them. Mom said they had to make a coral out of their lawn chairs to keep her from running away to the woods. They took her swimming in the lake and she tried to run away to the deep part. Mom is not supposed to be riding her bicycle, but she rode it with Black Hair Girl on the back in the baby carrier. Mom is always doing stuff for those people babies and I just don't get it.
No one has ever asked me to ride on the bicycle! I can fit in the baby carrier, I'm a small cat. If someone would ask me, I'd ride with them. I would want us to ride by that punk Jesse's house so he could see me on the back of the bicylce having fun. He would be so jealous because he would see me and know I am cool cat.
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