I'm still trying to rest up from the weekend. I am a tired Monkey. I've been sleeping all day and trying to get in a little play time in the evenings.
Last night Mom does something she does a lot of...she put on white shoes with laces and ran away. And she kept running. She runs away a lot like that but she always comes back. I'm not worried about her leaving for good when she puts on the white shoes and runs away because she never takes her purse or her cell phone. She usually wears a big black watch and a cap, too. So last night she did the run away thing and then she came back. When she comes back, me and her go to the garage and stretch and roll around. I like that. Mom says we are doing yoga together.
After we stretched out, me and Mom went to the back yard and turned on the sprinkler. I like the sprinkler, I try to catch the whirly things without getting wet. She put the sprinkler by the little trees with sticks on them. Then she laid on this thing in the backyard. This thing has been out there for a long time. One of her people kids, Justin gave it to her for birthday a long time ago. Anyway this thing, it is like a hanging bed made of ropes. Mom calls it a hammock. She laid in it. I noticed her hair was hanging down through the ropes so I attacked it. That was fun until I sratched her.
I decided I wanted to get on the hammock with Mom so I climbed up the poles on the end and landed on Mom's head. I tried to walk on the ropes but it was hard, I had to keep grabbing and holding on. Mom got up to move the sprinkler. I decided I was going to conquer the hanging rope bed. I jumped on it and it flipped around and I landed on the ground. I tried that a bunch of times, and I kept getting flipped to the ground. Grr.
Then I jumped a little harder and landed in the middle of the rope bed. All of my legs went through the ropes and were hanging underneath. And I couldn't get out. I had to squirm and wiggle and roll for a long time. I finally got out. Next I climbed up the pole on the end and was on the top edge of the hanging rope bed but it started swinging and wouldn't stop. I fell off again.
Mom was just watching me and laughing. Hmph. I decided the hanging rope bed was too immature for me and I just left it. It is not cool to play with immature toys. So I'm not playing with the hanging rope bed anymore. Because I am a cool cat.
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