Well, its been a while. I've been busy, abandoned and just plain tired.
First of all, Mom did get me a new kitty. She was on death row at the shelter. She was nice enough, but I didn't like her. I hissed at her and growled and Mom smacked me upside the head over it.
Then, Mom and the big man and some of the people kids left and abandoned me here with the new kitty while they went on a vacation on a big boat. I was not amused. While they were gone, the kid next door took care of us, giving us food and water and stuff. I figured after a day or two that Mom wasn't coming back so I just moved next door. The people next door are nice, they let me sit in their laps and they pet me. And they don't run off and abandon me. Well, the new kitty escaped from the garage and ran away. We haven't seen her in days and I really don't care. I'm tired.
Mom says we are not getting another kitty, it will just be me. That's OK, though, now that I'm getting used to be being alone, I like being the only cat. When Mom, the big man and the people kids got back from the big boat, they all played with me for a long, long time. I got to sit on the porch and have coffee with them in the morning. I decided if I am going to be an only cat, I'm going to stay in the house more with Mom and the big man. So far it's working out OK. I spent the night in the house one night for the first time.
Mom packed up and left again this morning. She never stays home. This time she is not having fun on a big boat, she is working in a place called Illinois. Then she is going to another place called North Dakota. She has a very nice friend in North Dakota that she is going to eat dinner with. Her friend has kitties too.
I don't care if I have friends to eat dinner with or not. I like getting to be the only cat to get petted. It's cool, just like me because I am a cool cat.
Phew,,,i'm so glad your ok,,,I was getting ready to call the higher ups.
That other kitty,,made a big mistake BIG,,,I mean what was she thinking? Giving up a nice warm home, and food and love and lots of petting.
Big, BIG mistake on her part!!
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