I like peace and quiet. I don't like a lot of noise. I don't like it when the people boy from down the street comes with his riding mowing machine and goes all over the yard. Not only is he noisy, but his punk cat, Jesse, follows him down here and there is always a fight.
One of Mom's people kids, Justin, has a very loud and noise motorcycle. I don't like it. He brought his bike over to Mom's house and I hid under the car. I don't think Mom likes the motorcycle either because she is always fussing about it. I think she is scared of the motorcycle. I am not scared of it, I just don't like it.
Justin has another big toy that is louder than the motorcycle and it is called a 4 wheeler. He only brought that over one time. Mom fusses and says that people kids can get hurt on those big noisy toys. She told Justin that if he gets himself all killed on a noisy toy, she is going to lay him out in his coffin nekkid. Justin said he didn't care, he wouldn't know about it anyway.
Mom worries about Justin a lot. She was fussing at him before they went on the big boat because she didn't want him acting silly and falling off. Justin comes over a lot and he plays with me and we get silly, but I don't see how he can fall off a boat doing that. Sometimes Justin puts me in a clothes basket and spins me around really fast. When he stops, I feel all funny and stuff and I can't walk straight and I fall down. Maybe Mom was afraid Justin would get in a clothes basket on the boat and spin around and get silly.

Justin is my favorite people kid because he is cool. And everyone knows you need cool friends, especially if you are a cool cat like me.
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