I got in trouble again.
I've just been so nervous about having to catch moles and all. It's been hard. Mom and the big man were very busy and in a hurry Sunday. Right after they got home from church, people started coming over. Mom has a mom too, and was Mom's mom birthday. Mom and the big man cooked a good lunch and other people came over to eat too. There was an ice cream cake. I love ice cream.
Well, I didn't get any ice cream cake because I got thrown out of the house. I have been worried lately thinking I might have to catch moles. The big man was still mad at me for pooing in his chair and all those people came over. Mom fed me pork chops the night before. It just didn't add up for me and well, I had another accident in the big man's chair. I know I said I wasn't going to poo in the chair any more, but it was a real accident. After I did it, I hid under the table.
I didn't know that one of the people women was going to sit in the chair. I really didn't. And I hate that she had on white pants when she sat in the chair with the poo in it. Because she screamed. Loud. She called everyone to come in the room and see that she sat in the chair with poo in it. She was mad. The other people laughed at her but I knew better than to laugh, because cool cats aren't supposed to poo in chairs were people company has to sit.
So the big man tossed me into the garage. I was so embarassed that I ran away for a while. I was under the little building in the back where I hide when I need to. I took a long nap and felt better when I woke up. All the company was gone except for Mom's people kid, Justin. I like Justin, me and him are cool.
Mom, the big man and Justin were putting up little houses called tents in the back yard. They were talking about going camping this weekend and wanted to make sure all the tents were OK and had no poo on them. I liked playing in the tents. I hope I get to go camping, too. Camping is fun. Mom and the big man have lots of fun camping stuff. We will have the best camping place in the whole state park. We'll be cool. I just know they'll take me with them because I am a cool cat.
Hi! It's Ink again (Sable doesn't log in very often so I just do - don't tell okay?)
Anyway, I am with you. It's hard enough to just be a CAT without having to catch moles. But at least you get to go outside. My Mommy won't let me out. She says that Sable would eat me because Sable doesn't play nice with cats outside. But I'm her cat, so she is cool inside. I don't want to get eaten, so I don't fuss much. But it gets lonely in the big house, you know? All by myself. Maybe someday Mommy can take me to visit you & you can show me how to catch moles! I bet I'd be good at it.
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