The wind blows all the time now and it blows very hard and when it does the things that make noise called wind chimes bother me. They are very loud and they wake me up. Mom said she doesn't care about the things that make noise called the wind chimes, but she does care about the wind that blows all the time. She says when the wind blows all the time she has to do more work because she has to pick up sticks out of our yard when the wind blows.
Mom keeps our house very neat and me and the big man like that. We do not like a messy house. She works some in our house to keep is neat but now she works all the time. I asked Mom why she was working so hard in our house and she said we are having a big party. I like parties! I want a party! But Mom said the party was not for me. It is for the big man.
I get so tired of the big man. He always gets presents and parties and I don't get anything! That is not fair! Mom likes me better, but the big man gets the parties and presents! I am going to poo in his shoes. Maybe he can have a nice party cleaning them out.
Anyway, Mom said the big man is having a big birthday this week so we are having a big party for him. All the people kids and all the people babies will be here. Mom and the big man's people moms and dads will be here and all the other people cousins. When the people cousins come over, they bring more people babies. Mom said there will be 10 people babies at our house for the party. I am so mad about that! What am I going to do with all those people babies in my house?
I don't see why we have to have a party about the big man's big birthday. Mom is always doing special stuff for the big man. He has parties when it is the day for father's. He has a party when it is the day people act like they love each other called Valentine's day. That is enough parties for the the big man! I want a party! When is the day for cats called Cat Day?
I told Mom I am tired of all the fuss over the big man. I want a party! If Mom will not give me a party, I am going to invite all my internet cat friends to come to our house and that big gray cat and that punk Jesse from down the street and we are going to have our own party. We will bite and scratch all the people and poo in all the flower beds and bring fat birds in the house. We will have stuff that makes us happy called cat nip and we will play with baby squirrels. Because cats need parties because parties are cool and I am a cool cat.
Hi Monkey,
Just wanted to pass on that there is a Cat Day in April. You can read about it here:
When is your birthday, Monkey?
Mine is in June.
Hope the parties are fun. You will get lots of pets and love. Did you get the mail I sent to you yet?
Oh, Monkey, get your mom to throw a party for National Cat Day!
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