Throne Monkey

Monday, December 03, 2007

I am still waiting for Santa Claus.

We had a nice weekend at our house. Mom and the big man got up on the day that was Saturday very early and put on white shoes with laces and caps to run away. They walked around our neighborhood first and I walked with them, but I do not like to run away so when they did that, I came in the house.

They left and went to the place where there are a bunch of stores to buy pretty stuff called Memphis. They said they had to buy pretty stuff for people called Christmas presents. I hope they remembered to get pretty for cats called Christmas presents too.

They came home with lots of sacks, bags and boxes with pretty stuff in them called Christmas presents. I helped them by attacking the sacks and slapping the pretty stuff. Then the big man shooed me away. He is no fun at all.

Mom has been at home for a bunch of days and nights and has not gone away on airplanes. I think that is very nice because she cooks dinner for me and the big man and she helps with my chores.

I having problems with the trees in the house, though. Every time I climb a tree, I get sprayed with water and I have to jump out very fast. I did not know the trees in the house had water squirters to get cats with! I am mad about that because I like to climb trees in the house. The big man gets all worked about me climbing the trees, he says I will knock the tree down. Maybe I should just climb him and see what happens.

I hope Santa Claus hurries up. I have been a good cat and I will get lots of presents! Santa Claus is cool, like me. I am a cool cat.
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Blogger Sable, Molly, and Ink said...

Hey, Monkey, what's up with our Moms? My Mommy hasn't gone away in a while either. On the day that was Sunday she was putting pretty paper on the pretty things called presents and all of the sudden yelled really loud! Then she couldn't move! She had to lay on the floor for a while, then had to work really hard to get up again. That stupid dog Molly kept trying to kiss her face. Stupid dog.

Anyway, Daddy took her to the people vet and she is taking medicine. She cannot get in her car & drive with this medicine, so she has to stay home all week! She will go to Work on Friday she says, but otherwise she'll be home working. So I can play on the computer a lot while she works!

Right now Mommy has all of the pretty things on the table so that she can finish putting the pretty paper on them. She says that she needs Daddy to come & pick up the box that holds the paper because she cannot move her back. Poor Mommy!

The good thing is that with Mommy home, I can go in and out whenever I want!

6:14 AM  
Blogger Monkey said...

That is very bad about your Mom, Ink. I do not like it when Mom has to go to the people doctor when she is sick because she will whine and cry and bother me for a long time.

We have Christmas in our yard too. I am going to write about it later.

9:19 AM  

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