It has been a long time since I told you anything. We have been very busy at our house. We got in trouble with our neighbors because one night a big storm came. I was scared and would not go outside. It was loud and the wind was blowing and lights were flashing in the sky.
In the middle of the night, big trucks came and fixed the lights. We were trying to sleep and all the lights came on and woke up Mom but not the big man because he was too busy making loud sleeping noises.
On a day that was Friday a week ago, Mom got all excited and happy and left. She is usually not that happy when she has to go places so I knew something was up. Sure enough, she came home later with people babies. I do not like people babies! Why can't they ever stay home with their own moms? She had Black Hair Girl and Black Hair Boy. I was not happy about that.
Mom and the big man woke the people babies up early on the day that was Saturday and loaded up the big kid seat that goes on the bakc of the bicycle for people babies to ride in. Mom and the big man loaded up the people babies and they went to a race. I do not know what a race is so I did not care that they did not take me. A race might be where you go throw people babies in the lake or something. Well. I found out what a race is when they got back. I was mad! I wanted to go to a race when I found out what it was.
A race is where Mom and the big man put on white shoes with laces to run away and they run with other people and they try to see who can run faster. Mom put the people babies in the big kid seat and made something for the people babies to race in called a jogging stroller. The people babies got to race with Mom! I can ride in that big kid seat called a jogging stroller! Why can't I race with Mom? I am so tired of those people babies getting to do everything with Mom while I stay home.
Later that day, a bunch of people came over to eat too much food. Mom said we were having too much food and a lot of fun called a Halloween Party. A lot of people babies came over and Red Head Boy came too. After all the people ate too much food, the people babies stole our nice pumpkins out of front yard and cut them up! They did! Their moms got big knives and cut up our nice pumpkins! Those were our pumpkins! We can never have anything around here.
All the people and all the people babies stayed at our house for a long time. I was very tired and wanted them to go home. Finally, after they messed up our nice spooky stuff in the front yard, they all left but somebody forget to load up Black Hair Girl and Black Hair Boy so they stayed at our house again. Mom and the big man took them back to their own house on the day that was Sunday and I was very glad.
Black Hair Girl likes to pet me all the time, even when I am trying to drink out of my big water bowl. She gets upset and cries and says "Monkey will fall in the potty" and Monkey will not fall in the potty! Monkey is just getting a drink of water! Black Hair Boy pulls my tail all the time and Mom tells him not to do that. I hit and slap Black Hair Boy a lot and he cries. Mom says as long as I do not bite and scratch Black Hair Boy that I will not get in trouble. So I just hit him a little him my front paw to make him leave me alone.
It rained every day last week and I stayed in the house a lot. Cats do not like rain. The big man would find me in the mornings and throw me in the garage when Mom was not home and I had to tattle on him. Mom does not want me to get sick out in the rain.
It stopped raining yesterday so I went outside and I do not want to come back in. I need to chase birds and prowl around. Mom wants me to come in and see her so I come in for a few minutes and then I go back outside. Cats like it outside when it is not raining. It is cool to prowl and I am a cool cat.
Monkey, it rained here too! Forever and ever. Days and days. I didn't think that it would ever stop. Mommy was at the place called Work and Daddy wouldn't let me outside.
It finally stopped raining here and now it is colder outside. I like it. Is it colder where you are?
Monkey, Mommy says that a people baby is coming to MY house on the day that is Friday. What do I do? I am NOT hiding in my own house. I just refuse.
Ink, see if your Mom will let you hit and slap the peeople baby. Just promise not to bite and scratch. If you hit and slap people babies, they cry and go away.
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