I know I have not told you anything in a long time. We have been busy at our house, busier than Mom likes to be. Our dining room is a very big mess where Mom tore the walls off to have a project. She has also packed her suitcase and got on airplanes and stayed gone to the place that has country roads that someone sings about a lot called West Virginia.
I have tried to stay away from that annoying little kitten that Mom brought home for no good reason. The big man gave the kitten a name and they call her Shadow. The big man says now Monkey has a Shadow. The big man thinks he is very funny but I do not. And I do not like Shadow. She bothers me a lot. Mom says I have to be nice to her or I do not get cat treats so I do my best. I can't do anything without her bothering me. I have been chatting with my internet cat friends and she is so nosy and wants to know everything but I will not tell her. But I will tell you.
My internet cat friend Ink has been going outside and she caught a fat bird! I am very proud of her and she is going to catch herself a nice mole next. Her people dad came home and she is very happy. He has been gone for a very very long time to the place where people do not like each other and shoot bombs at each other called Iraq.
My internet cat friend, Lucy, snuck out of her house and tried to catch a fat bird but the stupid dogs came out and told on her so she went back in the house. My poor internet friend Sammie cannot go outside because her Mom will not let her and that is not fair. Sammie's little people kids go outside all the time and she cannot.
I can't do anything without her bothering me. I like to have coffee and read the paper with Mom in the mornings. I always come in when the big man opens the big doors that keep the cars inside called the garage. I like to talk to Mom and read the paper.
Just when I think things can't get any more bad than they are, I heard Mom say people babies are coming over soon to stay for a while. I do not like people babies! They bother me worse than Shadow! I asked Mom how she was going to have people babies when our dining room was in such a mess. Mom said she had help coming.
Then one day two people men came over and started working in our dining room. They fixed our walls and made a lot of noise and kept working. I asked them what they were doing, but they do not speak meowlish. They do not talk like Mom either. I asked Mom why they didn't talk like her and she said they speak Spanish. I do not see how Mom and the people men who fix walls know what each other is talking about, but they do because our dining room is getting all fixed just like Mom wants it.
So I am always bothered. Mom is cranky and people men that we do not understand are fixing our walls. People babies are coming over and I am very mad about that. The big man is, well, he is still the big man. I just want Mom and the big man to stop doing stuff I am not used to so I do not have to worry about things. Worry is not cool and I am a cool cat.
Oh, Monkey, I am so sorry about Shadow. She sounds like a pest. Maybe you could teach her to catch stuff with you and to read the paper.
My Daddy is home and that makes me very happy! Then last night I was on my big people kid's bed and she was trying to get that dumb dog Sable to come up with us!! The big people kid complains that I don't sleep with her, but EVERY NIGHT she lets that dumb dog in her bed.
Monkey, you would have been proud of me! I hissed and swatted at that dumb dog and she got SCARED!!! Mommy fussed at me and got the dumb dog on the bed, but the dog was staying away from me and where I was lying down. I scared the dumb dog!!!!
And it's not hot here anymore! I can stay outside for HOURS because Daddy and Mommy are home a lot and it's not hot so I don't get as tired. And Mommy has all of the windows open so that there are only the screen thingys in them so I get to smell the breezes all night!!! It's wonderful.
I am a happy cat. Come to my house.
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