Throne Monkey

Monday, August 27, 2007

I brought Mom a present.

You know she has not been feeling very good with that dry socket she got at the doctor that only works on your mouth called a dentist. And the big man is still all whiny over those little rocks in his belly called kidney stones. On top of all the problems Mom and big man have, we had a bunch of the people kids over on the day that was Saturday. I suspected that a bunch of people were coming because Mom cooked a bunch of food and every time she does that, we have a lot of people come to our house. The people kid Julie and her man came, so did the people kid Justin and his new girl. The people kid April and her man came and of course they had to bring that people baby, Red Head Boy.

Mom cooked a lot of food. All the people kids played out in the back yard and they let Red Head Boy get in my big water bowl again. I am going to hide my big water bowl so the people babies will stay out of it.

After all the people ate too much food, the big man told the people kid boys to go outside and they got the big man's Christmas present out and tried to hit each other with little white balls by hitting them with paddles on a table called Ping Pong. I played too by chasing the little white balls when they bounced away. But every time I played with one, the big man took it away from me. The big man always gets on my nerves.

Most of the people kids left and the people kid Julie and her man spent the night in our upstairs. We had to get up early so that Mom and the big man could go to the place where people are nice to each for a few minutes called church. The big man went to work after that and Mom had to clean up stuff in the yard. I felt bad for Mom and I wanted to do something very special for her. I thought about catching her a nice mole or a fat bird, but I have given her those before. So I decided to get her something different. I knew she would appreciate something different, so I brought her a live snake.

I could not get the live snake to be still so Mom could get it so I had to fight with it. Me and the live snake fought for a long time and the live snake kept biting me. I was not ready for Mom to have the live snake because, well, I was having fun with it. She tried to get it with the broom and I told her to let me play with it some more. She would not so me and her got in a fight over my live snake and she hit me with the broom! That was my live snake! I was going to give it to her in a minute! She did not have to steal it with the broom!

So now I am mad at Mom about my live snake. I only came in the house today to type on the internet. I am not going to help her in her office because she stole my live snake with her broom. That is not cool and I am a cool cat.


Blogger Sable, Molly, and Ink said...

Monkey, Mommy won't let me stay outside long enough to hunt stuff!!! At least she gave me my old collar back. The new one had a BELL on it!!! How is a cat supposed to hunt for stuff with a bell on her collar?


1:18 PM  
Blogger Sable, Molly, and Ink said...

Oh Monkey, I love being outside. Mommy has let me be outside almost all day today. I have been sitting on the back deck watching stuff. She just let the idiot dogs out so I came in. She won't let me outside at the same time, which is fine with me because they are stupid.

2:18 PM  
Blogger Monkey said...

Ink have you caught anything yet? Like a fat bird, a nice mole or a live snake? They are all very fun to play with.

5:30 PM  
Blogger Sable, Molly, and Ink said...

No. I just like to lie on the deck. You need to come & teach me how to catch stuff...

7:01 AM  

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