Mom and the big man finally showed up last night. Mrs. Neighbor said they would be home from the place where the ground is ice and the mountains are tall and it is cold and there is a different flag called Canada. I waited for them but they did not come home and I was tired of waiting so I went out prowling.
This morning I came in the house and asked Mom why they were so late coming home and didn't she know a cat does not like to wait around. She said the airplane was late and then the big man lost the car at the airport. Mom does not lose our car when she goes to the airport, but leave it to the big man to lose something as big as a car. Mom and the big man had to look for a long time to find our car and the parking lot people had to help too. I told Mom she should just leave the big man at home so our car would not get lost again.
I got news for Mom. I have a lot of stuff she does not know about because I hide things under her bed and in the big man's closet. How does she know I do not have a little book with pictures in it called a passport? I could walk around on big pieces of ice bigger than our house and our whole street because cats are sneaky and fast.
Mom also told me they saw bears at the place where the ground is ice and the mountains are tall and it is cold and there is a different flag called Canada and that cats should not be around bears. I am around bears all the time! I have one hid under her bed! Mom is always making excuses why I can't go with her. I am tired of it.
I am not scared of bears. I can go to the Cravitz house and borrow one of their little books with pictures in it called a passport. And I will not lose Mom's car at the airport because I am a cool cat.
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