Everyone is home now.
I got very lonesome when Mom and the big man were camping in the woods with Eatemups. The people kids of Mr. and Mrs. Baptist came to feed me and they played me for a few minutes, but that was not enough. A cat needs more than a few pats on the head sometimes.
So I decided to go stay down the street for a few days. We have a lot of nice neighbors on our street, all except for the neighbor mom calls Mrs. Cravitz who tattles on me all the time. There is a house down the street with a very nice neighbor family and I like them a lot. They are called Mr. and Mrs. Black and they are the same color as me. Mom and the big man like them a lot because Mrs. Black works at a place called the YMCA where people run fast inside and pick up heavy things called weights. Mrs. Black puts on white shoes with laces and runs away just like Mom and the big man.
Mr. and Mrs. Black like me a lot and when I go down there to stay for a few days, they feed me and pet me and let me sit in their nice chairs in their back yard. They have people kids that play with me too. Mom says that I should not go down there and stay for a long time because I live here and I am her cat, not Mr. and Mrs. Black's cat. Mrs. Black told Mom that I could come down there and stay any time I wanted to because they like me a lot.
Anyway, I came home this morning and Mom was not happy because I was gone for a long time. I played with her for a while and I fought with the big man too. He was wrestling with me and I had to bite and scratch him. Me and Mom sat out on the porch in the back with the screen around it so the big grey cat can't get it. We talked about a bunch of stuff. Since I have been gone down to Mr. and Mrs. Black's house, the birds in our yard have started coming to our garage and eating my food. I was mad about that! Mom said it was my fault for going away a long time and not keeping the birds away.
Mom told me the people man who lives in our guest house who is allergic cats is moving away. I asked her if I could live in the guest house now and she said no.
Mom and the big man had fun camping in the woods with their tent houses. I was very mad because she told me the people baby, Red Head Boy, and his mom came to the woods too. The people kid Will that I like almost as much as the people kid Justin, came to the woods too. I have not seen the people kid Will in a very long time. Mom told me he was coming to visit our house this weekend and I like that. The people kid Will is a fun people kid. He lets me hang out with him and watch movies.
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