Throne Monkey

Monday, May 14, 2007

I am so tired. I am so glad this weekend is over.

We had a busy week last week. Mom went away to the place where people hit balls with sticks in a big park wearing red shirts called Ohio. She was not gone very long and nothing bad happened there.

When she got home on Wednesday, she started doing lots of work in our yard. I was very excited! Mom and the big man got me a present! I was so happy! It is a nice big water bowl for the back yard! It gets hot around here in the summer and a cat needs lots of water! I filled my big water bowl up and I was a very happy cat. When I get hot or thirsty, I just go to my big water bowl and play around. Mom is so nice to me. Or at least I thought so last week.


On Friday Mom left after she worked in her new office upstairs and when she came back, what did she get out of the truck? A people baby! It was Red Head Boy. He came to stay with us. I was not happy, but then he gave me some of his chicken nuggets when Mom was not looking so I decided to like him. He pets me and talks to me so maybe he's not so bad. I played outside all night and when I came in Mom and the big man were having coffee. Red Head Boy was still sleeping. A big people kid came to our house and Mom and the big man left. The big people kid played with me and Red Head Boy for a while. She was very nice and talked to us about her horses. I liked her and she should come over and play with me more often.

Mom was gone for a while and when she came back I was very upset! She had Black Hair Girl and Black Hair Boy with her! All three people babies! Oh no! I wanted to run away. But it gets worse. After Mom and the big man rode away on the bicycles with the people babies, they put them in my new water bowl in the back yard! That is MY water bowl! Get those people babies out of it! They will poo in my water bowl! I don't like poo in my water bowl!

I was so mad at Mom! And the big man! And all the people babies!

The people babies stayed at our house all day. They chased me and pulled my tail. They bothered me in my napping place. They cried and they pooed in their pants and made our nice house smell bad. People babies are no good! Well, except when they give me their chicken nuggets. Sometimes all I have to do is ask for one and I get it. People babies share sometimes.

I knew that a bunch of people would come to our house because Mom cooked a bunch of food. Every time she cooks a bunch of food, a bunch of people show up.

More people kids came over, Black Hair Boy and Black Hair Girl's people mom and dad came over, the people kid Julie came, the people kid Justin came over and brought his girl. Mom's people mom and dad came over and the big man's people mom and dad came too. All the people ate too much food. The people babies threw some of their food on the floor and I cleaned it up for Mom.

All the people laughed and talked and they gave Mom cards and presents. I felt bad that all the people had stuff for Mom and I didn't so I went out and got her a mole. I brought it to the garage and the big man got mad at me! He shooed me away and threw Mom's mole away. I am so mad at him. I am going to poo in his lunch box.

I found out that it was a special day for Mom. No one ever tells me anything. I have been out hunting today and before the big man gets home, I am going to get Mom another mole. Because even if she acts like she likes those people babies, I know I am her favorite. So I'm going to give her a nice mole for her special day. Because I am a cool cat.


Blogger Sable, Molly, and Ink said...

Monkey, it was Mother's Day on Sunday. That's why it was your mom's special day. I know because my Mommy went to see her people mom far away, but she came back on Sunday afternoon. I was not happy so I threw up on her. Then SHE wasn't happy either. Not a good night.

But she hasn't had to bring out the Big Red Suitcase again! I hate the Big Red Suitcase. Do you think that if I poo in it she will stop going away so much?

9:26 AM  

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