Mom opens the windows in our house and I can lay in my chair and nap all day with a nice breeze blowing on me. I like that. Purr. Purr.
The big man likes the warm weather too. It makes him work outside. He worked very hard one day in our garage and moved a bunch of stuff around and swept all the leaves out of it. I didn't like that because when it is really cold outside and I don't want to go all the way out to Mom's flower beds, I sometimes poo in those leaves in the garage. But now they are gone. Maybe I'll just have to poo somewhere else in the garage instead.
Mom says that we might have people babies at our house again soon. I am not happy about that, especially since they were so bad the last time they were here. Why, oh why can't those people babies stay home with their own Mom's? At least this time Mom told me they will come. Most of the time I don't know it until they are running in the door screaming. Knowing that they are coming, I called my internet cat friends that live far away where it is very cold and sometimes people talk different called Canada and asked them stuff.
My internet cat friends, Ginger and Frasier, have a Mom and a people baby that eats her food off the floor. Ginger and Frasier think this is very bad because they are finicky cats and would not eat stuff off the floor. I asked them how they handled the people baby in their house.

Frasier says he addresses people babies with a look of disdain followed by indignation. I don't know what those are, but if I can get on the computer tonight, I will try to find them on line and order them. Frasier sleeps under the people baby bed because he says you have to keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

I'm glad I have internet cat friends I can call on when I have problems. Everybody needs a few friends to talk to when they need help. Having friends is cool and I am a cool cat.
Monkey, don't worry. I had people babies at my old house (the one where the bald lady lives). They grow up! And then they can reach the treat can and give them to you!
And they do this even when Mommy doesn't want you to have them. It's GREAT!!!
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