It has been very warm where we live and the sun is shining too. I like to play outside when it is nice especially in the mornings because I can chase a bunch of birds. I was out yesterday, just stalking birds and having fun when I heard them. The stupid dogs that live in the yard behind us got out of their fence and ran over to chase me. I ran up the first tree I saw, which is how I get away from the stupid dogs and I picked the wrong tree. I had to go very very high up the tree before I got to a limb to sit on. I could see the top of Mr. and Mrs. Neighbors house because it was very high. The stupid dogs were down on the ground barking and running and acting stupid like are because they are dogs. Mrs. Neighbor saw me way high in her tree and she was very worried. She chased the stupid dogs away and called Mom to come see how far high I was. Mom was not happy.
She wanted to know how I was going to get down from the very high limb. Mrs. Neighbor said I was 40 feet up. I got news for her, it took more than 40 feet steps to get that high. Mom said someone would have to get a very tall ladder and get me down. I was not worried because I climb trees all the time. I waited until I knew the stupid dogs were gone and Mom was there to run them off if they came back and I just slid right down the tree. Mom and Mrs. Neighbor could not believe I got out of the tree by myself. What's wrong with them? They know I am a smart cat!

I got out of the tree and Mom was glad I was down. We went in the house and she went up to her new office to work. She had a bunch of stuff to do for a very important meeting tomorrow in a place where important peoples heads are real big on rocks called South Dakota. I know I should have helped her in her office, but I was very tired from being chased up a very high tree by the stupid dogs. Mom worked for a very long time. The big man came home late and helped her a little bit. Its good that he did because he needs to do something.

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