Oh! I have had such a very very hard weekend. I had to take naps all day for two day and nights because it has been so bad.
It started out OK. Me and Mom were home working on the day of Friday. She went to Walmart to get me some cat treats and she got other stuff too. She had a lot of stuff and I wondered why she had to get so much stuff from Walmart. Was the big man real hungry or what?
She was talking on the phone to people and I heard her say we had big plans for Saturday. I was very excited because I like big plans! Big plans can be fun for a cat! The big man got up and went to work Saturday. Mom got up and was cleaning up some messes me and the big man forgot to clean up when she was on her trip. Then she left. When she came back, I heard a bunch of noise and oh no! She had people babies! Will somebody please tell those people babies to stay at their own houses!
Black Hair Boy gets into everything. Mom has to chase him around and make him stop bothering our stuff. He bothered all our nice pictures on the shelf, he got our little things we set our club soda on, he got in our closet where the people food is and he would not leave my cat bowl alone. I wanted him to go home.
Mom was very busy chasing people babies but she cooked a bunch of food anyway. Every time Mom cooks a bunch of food, people come over to eat it. We had a bunch of people at our house. It was getting after supper and the later it got, the more the people babies whined and cried and acted mean. The people were talking and laughing and the people babies were crying. Mom tried to make the people babies feel better and keep them from chasing me so she put them in the big bathtub. They were splashing water and getting everything wet. Then Black Hair Girl pooed in the big bathtub! When I poo in the house, the big man throws me in the garage. Did anybody throw Black Hair Girl in the garage?? NNNOOO.... That is not fair!
The people babies put on their sleeping clothes but they did not go to sleep. They cried and whined and chased me a lot. I snuck outside one time and Black Hair Girl stood at the door and screamed very loud for me. The big man picked me up and threw me back in the house. I do not like the big man and the next time I have to poo, I'm doing it in his chair.
I could not get away from the people babies. I got under the bed and they crawled under it. I jumped on things they could not reach and they stood there and cried for me and tried to reach me.
The people babies were mad because they could not get me! Black Hair Girl cried for a very long time but I would not get out! I was tired of people babies.
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