Throne Monkey

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I'm tired of getting in trouble! Mom does not appreciate me and she did not get me a Valentine! Well, I'm not sure if she got me one or not since I don't know what that is.

I am mad today because yesterday Mom made a big deal about something called Valentine's. I don't know what that is but it has something to do with cooking stuff for the big man. She told her people nephew Anthony she was fixing a Valentine dinner for the big man. I didn't know what that meant. Maybe the big man was sick and he needed a dinner to feel better. Maybe she was mad at the big man and a Valentine dinner has bad stuff in it to make him poo a lot.

I figured out it wasn't bad because Mom and the people nephew Anthony ate the Valentine dinner too. They were fussing over it and talking about how good it was. No one would tell me anything so I went outside. I found a baby squirrel and I was very excited to show Mom. I scratched on the door to get in. She opened the door and saw me holding the baby squirrel and she yelled at me! She did! She yelled "you are not bringing that squirrel in the house" and she shut the door.

The people nephew Anthony came out to the garage and me and him played with the baby squirrel. It would try to get away and I would chase it. The people nephew Anthony would chase me and try to get it. We were having so much fun. Then the big man came out and got all worked up because he thought we were being mean to the baby squirrel. He told Anthony to put it outside so it could run away. What's wrong with him? Does he know how long it took me to catch that squirrel? The big man just gets on my nerves so bad.

Then today, I was helping Mom in the office. She had all her papers all over her desk, I could tell she needed my help really bad. While I was helping her drink her club soda, I accidentally knocked it over on all her papers. She was so mad at me! She was yelling loud words I'm not allowed to say! She pushed me off her desk! A cat can get hurt falling off a desk!

Mom never shares her club soda with me! I am a mad cat about that! I want to be uppity too. How can I be uppity like Mom if I can't have club soda? I'm going to run away to Walmart and get my own club soda so I can be uppity. I don't know what uppity is, but since Mom is uppity, it must be cool and I am a cool cat.


Blogger hairudite said...

Hey Monkey, it's Katie the cat. I know you wondered how that sissy Kermie built a fort, but I can't figure it out either. I just took on those people babies. They weren't too bad. PS- I tried to bite cousin Anthony, do you do that?

8:18 PM  
Blogger Monkey said...

I want to build a fort too! When the people nephew Anthony was trying to take my baby squirrel, I bit him. But he didn't care. He played with me in the house too. I miss him and I want him to come back but he has to go far away to place called the Army. I don't know what that is, but Mom says he will be gone for a very, very long time.

7:40 AM  
Blogger Corianne said...

At least your mom lets you go outside and catch things. I only get to look out the windows.

Sorry about the squirrel. What a bummer!

8:19 AM  
Blogger Sable, Molly, and Ink said...

Monkey, you are so lucky! My Mommy won't even let me outside for a minute!

But it's ok now when it's cold. I like to sit on the heating vent in the sun room and watch those icky dogs huddle in the doghouse! Ha!

5:12 AM  

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