It has been a long time since I got to use the computer.
I think one reason that Mom has been upset with me is that I have more friends than she does. Last month I got a card from my friend Ink and last week I got a card about Thanksgiving from my friend Sammie who lives in the place where very important liars live called Washington. Mom did not get any cards and I think she didn't like it because I did. My friends like me.
We've been busy. First there was a special day where people all eat too much called Thanksgi

The next day after the day that people eat too much, Mom, the people kid Julie and the big man did a lot of chores at our house. Mom cooked a lot of good food all day long. I was trying to help by licking the pots clean, but Mom didn't like that and put me outside. The people kid Justin came over when it got dark. I was looking forward to seeing him because me and Justin are cool but Justin tricked us and brought a people girl with him. Justin never brings people girls over and I'm not sure I like that. I was trying to sniff the people girl to see if she was good or bad, but before I could figure it out something else happened.

All the people kids were here - Mom's and the big man's. All the people babies were here. Mom cooked a bunch of food and all the people ate too much. The people babies are not very smart about eating food. They throw it on the floor and if I am real sneaky, I can get it and be gone before anyone sees me. After they ate too much food, all the people were talking and laughing and having fun. I was trying to stay out of the people babies' way so I would not be pinched and bit by no teeth. Then, while Mom and the big man were playing with the people babies, the people kids they belonged to started sneaking away.
I couldn't believe it! They were trying to sneak off without the people babies! I followed them out to their cars! Wait! You forgot your people babies! Go back in and get them! Please, don't forget your people babies! They kept going! I was all worked up! I was hissing! I was scratching! They didn't care! They left the people babies at our house!
Mom, the big man, the people kid Julie and her man had to keep the people babies. The people kid Justin was not happy, I told you me and him are cool. He left and took his people girl with him. I wanted to go with them but Justin wouldn't let me. I think I'll just poo in his truck next time he's here.
Those people babies were everywhere. They broke stuff of Mom's and put the big man's TV toy in the big water bowl. They chased me and picked me up and pulled my tail. I was so upset and worked up. And I ate too much food. I was hot from running from people babies. I got locked in Mom's bedroom with a sleeping people baby. I had to poo. I meowed at the door and no one heard me. I get so tired of people babies messing things up for me. I just couldn't help it. I pooed in Mom's bathtub.

Mom and the big man got all fixed up Saturday. They loaded the people babies in the truck and left. I was so happy to finally be left alone. I heard Mom say later they took all the babies back to the people kids and then went to a place where a bunch of people were that knew the big man a long time ago called a class reunion. They had more good food to eat and visited with people. Mom and the big man bragged to the people about those people babies.
I just don't understand it. They poured sticky stuff on our floor, they pooed in the pants a lot, they cried, they hit each other, they lost Mom's phones, they bothered me and Mom and the big man just think they are so good. Well, they are not good! They are trouble! They should stay with their own moms. They are not cool like me, I am a cool cat.
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