I have a new bed at our house! Mom always puts out the blue blanket when people babies come over. I have always liked laying on the blue blanket, it smells good. When the people babies leave, Mom cleans up all their toys and other big messes and she folds up the blue blanket and hides it.
We have so many people babies over so much that Mom left the blue blanket out by the fireplace. I have made it my bed. Even the big man calls the blanket my bed, so I guess I won’t scratch him.
I changed my schedule just a little bit because it is cold and rainy. I try to stay in the house all night on my nice bed and I go out for just a while in the morning and then come back in before supper time. When I used to stay in the house at night, I’d sleep with Mom and big man, but my bed is much better because I can’t hear all the big man’s loud sleeping noises.
I don’t poo in the house and sometimes I have to go and I have to wake Mom up to let me out. This is easy because all I have to do is walk in her room and meow. This morning the bird came out of the clock 3 times and I had to go out. The big man fusses about me having to go out and if he keeps up, I may just poo in his shoes instead.
Mom has been worried about me because my meow doesn’t sound right. She says I have a cold, but I don’t think I do because they have the heat on now and I think I have a hot. She thinks I don’t feel good because I am not prowling at night, but heck, its cold outside and it has been raining. And I have a new bed, which is so soft and warm. I can stretch out all day and just be a cool cat.
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