Well! Nobody tells me anything around here! Mom left for her girls weekend and I thought me and the big man were going to hang out but no. He left too! And Mom did not come home when she finished eating chocolate and having too much fun with her friends and the people kid Julie. She went to the big man's people mom and dad's house and they stayed there for 2 nights and did not come home!
I knew something was up when the people kids from next door came to give me food and water.
Mom and the big man got home Sunday in time to eat soup for supper and go to bed. They were very tired. The big man went to work on Monday and me and Mom enjoyed our morning. We drank coffee, read the paper and watched the news. She went upstairs to her office to work and I went with her. I thought she might need some help. Well, what did she do? She got out the map and her calendar and I knew what that meant! She is going away again.

I didn't want her to go away so I tried to talk her out of it, but no. She left Monday to the place with the nice airport called Charlotte. She got to spend the night with Sable and Ink again. Ink got to sit in her lap for a long time. That is not fair! She is MY Mom and I want to sit in her lap, but her lap is never here!
I heard the big man say she is coming home tomorrow and will be here for a few days before she goes away again. I hope she plans to stay home and play with me instead of going over to someone's house or something. I'm a good cat, but sometimes I get mean when people don't treat me right. I don't want to be mean because I like being a cool cat.
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