Throne Monkey

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Mom and the big man said they had a three day weekend. I had to listen a lot to figure out what that was. I know what a weekend is and I know what we do when we have one. But I didn't know what a three day weekend was.

Mom said it was time to have a project. We have lots of things at our house. We have a telephone, a closet, chairs, foods in little crinkly bags and big water bowls. But we didn't have a project so Mom said we needed one. Especially on a three day weekend. Well, I decided after we got the project, that I did not want any more three day weekends.

There are many things that me and the big man like about Mom. One of those many things is that Mom keeps a neat, clean house. Everything has a place and sometimes we might get a little messy, but Mom cleans it up. Me and the big man never have to worry about having friends over and being all embarassed because the house is messy. Now, when Mom is out of town, me and the big man let things slide just a little. We leave stuff out and sometimes we don't wipe up messes. The big man tells Mom that she should always call us when she gets back to the airport to drive her car home. Mom thinks its because the big man is worried about her and wants to know she is safe. Well, I know better. It takes Mom many minutes to get home from the airport. That is just how many minutes it takes for me and the big man to rush and run around and clean up all our messes. We don't want Mom to think we are untidy. Nobody likes an untidy cat!

So I was very distraught to find out our new project was new walls in the kitchen. Mom and the big man squirted water on the walls and peeled them off and threw them in the floor! And left them there! There were pieces of wall everywhere. They brought in cans and sacks and little brushes and they moved all the furniture stuff out and our house was so messy that I was embarrassed to be in it! I had to walk around pieces of wall and sticky things to get to my food bowl just to find little pieces of wall on top of my slicked chicken in gravy! I was not a happy kitty.

They opened the cans and got the brushes and put paint on the walls. Now we cats are color blind so I don't know if this is true, but the big man said the new walls were the same color as the stop signs at the end of the street. He wasn't happy about the stop sign color but Mom just loved it.

They worked and painted and climbed up and down little ladders for three days. Mom moved stuff around and LOST MY CAT TREATS and I was even more distressed. After we got the new project all done, Mom and the big man had to clean up a really bad mess.

I didn't like the project. But I heard a neighbor people telling Mom how pretty and cool the new red kitchen is. When I heard that, I changed my mind about the project. If the stop sign red walls are cool, that's good with me because I am a cool cat.


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