I had a better night last night. The big grey cat didn't come around and I had the chance to whoop that punk Jesse so I did. I got a couple of birds for poor Mom this morning and left them on the porch for her. She never even said thank you.
I like to help poor Mom work in her office with the new desk. I really like the printer and the fax machine. Did you know papers come out of them? And they make noise?
I always know when to attack them because they will start getting noisy. Poor Mom gets mad at me about attacking them. Especially that printer. I'm just trying to help her out! If I hurry and get the papers out, she can throw them away faster. Every time I get something out of the printer she throws it away. I don't know why she keeps printing stuff.
Sometimes she gets mad at me and shoo's me off the printer. Sometimes she is NO fun at all. She kept shooing me off today and I didn't like it. She was printing a bunch of papers and I was really working hard to attack them as they came out. She'd shoo me and put me downstairs and I'd have to walk back up the stairs and attack the printer, then she'd shoo me again.

But I don't care. It was time to go out and poo in her flowers anyway. I wasn't out there very long. Poor Mom missed me and when she answered the door when a people came up, I just ran right in. I'm going to help her some more in just a minute. Maybe she'll let me in her desk drawers. I know what she has in there - rubber bands! And you know how cool rubber bands are! I'll get to play with the rubber bands because I am a cool cat.
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