Mom must feel bad about leaving me so much. She brought me a souvenir from the place with yellow cars called New York. I was hoping for cat treats.
She went to Walmart last night to get people food. I reminded her that we were almost out of cat treats and being a good Mom, she brought back lots of cat treats for me.
We got something new today. Mom has a new desk in her office. It is very big and very nice. She says now she can really feel important because she has a big desk. I like it OK. It has lots of room for me to get under it. I hope she puts a blanket under there for me to sleep on while she's working.
I was listening to Mom talking on the phone last night about her long trip far away to Hawaii. When she was napping by the pool, little birds came and landed on her legs. You know, if she had taken me on that trip, I could taken care of those birds. I love birds. Mom goes to a place with birds and leaves me at home! Then, get this - she took pictures of fish - underwater. Do you know how much I love fish? She could have given me the fish to take care of while she was swimming. I would have been happy to sit there on the side with the fish and not bother anybody.
She also said they went hiking a lot. OK, I know it's not cool for cats to be on a leash. But I would've done it. We would have been far away and none of my friends or that punk Jesse from down the street would have seen me. I would have followed right along behind Mom and the big man. I could have gone hiking to volcanoes and maybe I could have ate one. What is a volcano anyway?
I'm tired right now. I chased the people that brought Mom's new desk and attacked the cords to their tools and I'm worn out. I think I'll go take a nap so I can prowl later tonight. When the night is hot cool cats are always on the prowl and I am one cool cat.
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