Throne Monkey

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I'm depressed and I want poor Mom to leave me alone. But she won't.

The big grey cat came around again last night. I did a little better than I did before, but I still didn't get him whooped. He was making fun of me, too, saying things like "your half nekkid momma is calling you." I HATE that big grey cat. I think a couple more times and I may get him whooped.

I was tired from all that fighting last night and I just wanted to nap outside. I don't get to have coffee with Mr. and Mrs. Neighbor anymore because now they have to go to school and they don't have coffee on their porch. So I'm sad about that too. Poor Mom likes for me to come in when she wakes up and I like that too. That's when she talks sweet to me and gives me a cat treat. But today I just didn't feel like coming in.

I came in long enough to drink out of my big water bowl and get my treat, but then I wanted to go outside. She let me go out. But she kept calling me to come back. I came in once at lunch time, only to eat my food. Well, now she has me in the house. She came out to my favorite sleeping spot under the little building called the shed and drug me out by one leg. So here I am.

Can't a cat just have a bad day and be left alone? When she has a bad day, I leave her alone, what's the problem? I have a lot on my mind. The big grey cat keeps whooping me, that punk Jesse makes fun of me now and poor Mom has just embarassed me so. And its hot. Very hot. The people on the TV just scream about how hot it is outside. Well, if they don't like it all hot outside, all they have to do is not go out there. That's what poor Mom and the big man do - just stay in the house where it is cool.

Well, I'm going to take a nap on a bed somewhere. If she's not going to let me back outside, I might as well make the most of my time and nap. I need to rest up for tonight. I need to get ready. The big grey cat will be back and I will be ready. Because cool cats are always ready and I am a cool cat.


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