I guess Mom is not mad any more about me getting in the neighbor named Gladys Cravitz' car. I brought her a present so she would not be mad at me anymore.
The big man brings her presents a lot so I thought I better step up and do a little myself. I bring her birds and little moles sometimes, but since everybody was mad about me getting in that car, I thought I'd better do something a little better and special.
Mom has been at home since Sunday but she is leaving again tomorrow. She is going to the place where her people kid named Julie lives. Ink and Sable's Mom is going to be there too. I have a friend named Snoopy that lives in the place called Atlanta where only bad things happen. Snoopy's mom is going to be there too. Another people friend of Mom's is going to be there. There will be 4 moms and NO pets. That is not fair. They are calling it a girls weekend.
I don't know what that is but I think its something that only girls do that the big man is not getting all excited about. Mom says the girls are going to the place where the people kid Julie works and they are all getting haircuts and toes painted. Then they are loading up in the big man's truck and going to another place called the mall to get their faces painted. They are going to laugh and talk and have more fun than ever. They are going to eat a lot of food and chocolate. They are going to eat so much that Mom said they would be so full that they could not drive and Julie is going to have to drive them around in the big man's truck.
I got that full one time. I had just ate my cat food and Mom gave me the rest of her tuna. Then the big man gave me a cat treat. I was stuffed! I had to go take a nap because I was so full. I don't think I could have drove a car then either. I don't see how Mom and the girls can fun if they get so full they have to take naps all the time.
I told the big man if Mom is going away for a girls weekend, that me and him should do something to have a boys weekend. He should go get the people kid Will and we should go upstairs and watch movies where people get beat up and cars get wrecked. Yeah! That's a boys weekend! I know I'd like that! That is cool and I am a cool cat.
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