Another day without Mom.
I was very surprised last night when the big man got home from work. It was almost bedtime and he had Walmart sacks with him. I got excited because I thought maybe he remembered to get cat treats. He was unloading the sacks and I was chasing the empty ones and sure enough, he had cat treats! He gave me some! I ate them all!
The big man has to take care of me and he knows it. When Mom calls him she always asks how I am doing and if he is being nice to me. I can get him in trouble by hiding from him. If he tells Mom that he hasn't seen me, she gets all worked up and he has to find me and call her back. He looks so funny out in the yard in his sleeping clothes saying "kitty, kitty, kitty." Sometimes I hide and watch him so I can laugh.
Since I can't sleep in the house, I've been sleeping in the rope bed outside, just watching for Mom to come home. She called last night and told the big man she was having fun in the place where people talk different called Quebec. She says that people just look at her and know that she can't talk up there, even if she doesn't say anything. One of the people at the place she is staying that she can't pronounce called her a Southern Belle. She liked that so it must be a cool name. I like being called cool names, too, because I am a cool cat.
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