Ink's Mom called today on the internet. Ink is worried about me because I have been so busy that I don't use the computer.
It is very cold here and it snows sometimes. I know what snow is now and I don't like it. It makes the ground very hard in the flower bed and I can't scratch and poo out there when it is cold and hard.
Mom spends a lot of time fussing with people babies and I am tired of it. They come to our house and they play with my toys and try to get in my chair. Mom took Black Hair Girl and Black Hair Boy to the people kid Julie's house last week. The cats that live at Julie's house were very mad because they hate people babies. Kermie the cat hid under the bed and put pillows around like a fort. Katie the cat came out hissing and hissed the whole time. Black Hair Girl chased her and tried to touch her. She did not like that.
Since it is so cold outside, I stay in the house a lot. Today I was napping in my bed in the chair when Mom's people nephew Anthony started hitting the big thing in the living room called the piano and made a lot of noise. I did not like that because it woke me up. I need my sleep because I'm cold. I could not get away from the noise and had to go outside.
I think I will call Katie the cat and find out how Kermie the cat built a fort under the bed with pillows. Red Head Boy is coming over on Friday and I need to get ready. I'll hide under the bed where he can't get me. I am such a cool cat!
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