I am not being a cool cat right now. I am a very sick cat.
Mom and the big man went away for a day and a night to the people kid Julie's house to go see houses with lights on them for Christmas. I had to stay home. I have not been feeling very good lately and just laid around a lot.
I stayed under the little house in the back called the shed until Mom and the big man got home. I was so tired and felt so bad I couldn't run to the garage and in to the house. Mom saw me outside and came to get me. She is a good Mom. She took me in the house and get me cat treats, but I didn't want any. I was too tired and felt too bad to eat them. So Mom put me on my bed on the couch. She knew I was very sick and she brought me food and water. But I didn't want any. I slept in the house all night.
Mom got up very early today. She was rushing around everywhere and she kept bothering me to see if I was ok. She got a blanket and wrapped me up and we got in the car. I don't like to go places in the car! That is never good! It was not good today! Mom took me to Dr. Smith's hospital!
Dr. Smith is a very nice doctor but I don't like him because he kept me at his hospital. He pokes me with sticky things and makes me eat stuff. I just want to rest because I don't feel good. Dr. Smith said Mom calls all the time to see if I'm better. She is far away on a trip to a place where it is very cold called North Dakota. She wants me to be well when she gets back. I'm trying to get well but its hard because there a bunch of sick cats here and well, they might make me sicker.
I will stay in the hospital until Mom gets back on Thursday. I hope I get well soon because I don't like Dr. Smith to poke me with sticky things because it hurts and it is not cool. And I want to be a cool cat.
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