Mom and I spent a lot of time working outside in our yard on weekends. We pulled weeds out of our flower beds and rakes leaves and chased squirrels. Mom and I had things looking very pretty. She got out the flower pots and started counting them so she could get some pretty flowers to put in them.
Mom packed her new red suitcase with the yellow handle very full and left before breakfast. She went to the place where horses run fast for flowers called Kentucky. She was not happy because it is very cold in the place where horses run fast for flowers called Kentucky. She had to fly on a bad airplane that had something called propellers that makes Mom very sick. She was mad about the bad airplane and told the big man that next time she would just walk to the place where horses run fast for flowers called Kentucky.
Mom is not coming home from the place where horses run fast for flowers called Kentucky. She is going somewhere that she does not want to go right now. She is going to the place with very tall buildings and lots of yellow cars called New York. She likes the place with very tall buildings and yellow cars called New York, but right now there is someone in that place named Noreaster that is messing things up and Mom does not want to go there when Noreaster is there. She is very worried that Noreaster will get her and beat her up like I do that punk cat from down the street named Jesse.
Mom called today and said that Noreaster was supposed to leave the place with tall buildings and lots of yellow cars called New York, so she is going there very late tonight. I told Mom that she whould take me with her. If Noreaster tries to cause problems and bother her, I can bite and scratch Noreaster and hiss until Noreaster is gone. Because I will protect Mom. That's what good, cool cats do and I am a cool cat.
Monkey, something terrible has happened! Mommy keeps taking me to the mean place with the people she calls doctors. She says that it is to make me feel better (because I'm not feeling very well), but this does NOT make me feel better!
I do feel a little better now that I'm home, but it was awful. They said that they needed my temperature. I don't know where my temperature is, but if they ever tell you that they need yours be sure to tell them NO. Then they gave Mommy this stuff to squirt down my throat which is NOT fun. NOT COOL AT ALL. Then they stuck me with a needle & this red stuff came out. Not cool.
Do you have any advice on how to not have to go to that evil place again? Mommy says that if the red stuff doesn't look right, she will have to take me back there for another test! But she won't tell me what kind so how am I supposed to study for it like Lucy Cat does?
Oh, Ink, it's terrible!
Ink - do you want to come live with me? Mom does not have time to be running all around to evil places because she is very busy.
We should get on that thing called a conference call and talk to Lucy and Sammie. They will know what to do!
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