This has been another busy weekend! Mom and the big man worked in our yard and around our house for a long time on Saturday. I thought they would too tired to work so much because they put on white shoes with laces and ran away Friday when the big man got home.
The big man worked in our garage while Mom did some stuff in the house. I am mad at the big man because he messed up our garage.
The big man got a big Christmas present when Santa Clause came. Sometimes I like his Christmas present and sometimes I don't. When the people kids are here, he gets the Christmas present out and it takes up our whole garage. The big man and the people kids stand around the Christmas present with paddles and try to hit each other with little white balls. They get all worked up about hitting each other with balls and they yell and holler. I don't like all that noise. One time I found one of their little white balls and checked it out. The big man and the people kids are not very smart about the little white balls. If they really want to hit each other with something, they should use the paddles, not those little wimpy balls.

Anyway, sometimes the big man does not put his Christmas present up when they get tired of trying to hit each other with little white balls. The Christmas present just stays in the garage and Mom can't park in it. When Mom tells the big man to do something with the Christmas present, he moves it over but then it gets in the way of the bicycles. So Saturday the big man decided to clean up the garage and move things around where we can't find them. And what did he do? He moved his Christmas present in front of my food bowl! That is not where a Christmas present goes! Mom can't reach my food bowl!

I have to get back behind the Christmas present to eat my food. I don't mind getting behind it, but Mom can't reach it good and she does not fill it up and sometimes she spills it in the floor. I think the big man needs to put his Christmas present out in the yard so it will not be in the way of my food bowl. I don't put my things in front of the big man's food, now do I?
I talked to my friend Lucy last week too. She is so smart. She lives with a bunch of stupid dogs and she is so much smarter than them. She is the boss of her house and the dogs know it.

Lucy has people kids that come to her house sometimes that are teenagers and teenagers forget stuff because they are teenagers. Lucy likes her people kids and she is trying to help them be smart like she is and not forget stuff. She helps her people kids with their homework. Her people kids have to write numbers on papers, just like the big man. I don't help the big man with his homework because any time I sit by him at the table, I end up biting and scratching him.

Lucy says she explains stuff to the people kid and he writes it down. Then, to help him be smart, she asks him questions to see if he knows stuff. I really like Lucy. Me and her have been talking a lot on the internet. I think she is cool because she is smart and she is my internet friend. She likes me too because I am a cool cat!
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