Throne Monkey

Friday, May 18, 2007

The big man is very mad at me. But I am cool and I don't care.

Mom is still out of town to the place with Red Head Boy. Me and the big man are home.

I was out hunting and found me a nice mole for dinner. The big man was busy doing stuff. I came in to eat my nice mole and when I got it in the house, it woke up and started running around the living room. I thought it was funny that my nice mole was in the house so I played with it for a while.

The big man was working on his computer and I was glad because I didn't want him bothering my nice mole. After I played with the mole for a while, I got more hungry so I started eating it. It was a very crunchy mole with lots of bones and I was enjoying my dinner a lot. I just needed some nice drinking stuff to go with it but I didn't have any.

Anyway, the big man must have heard me crunching the nice mole that was my dinner. He kept asking me what I was crunching. I ignored him because he never listens to me anyway and kept eating. MMMmmmm....

The big man came over to see what I was eating, I think he expected me to share my nice mole with him, but I was down to the good juicy part and I was not about to share that with him! He can go catch his own nice mole! That is my nice mole!

He saw me eating the juicy parts of my nice mole and he got all worked up and started yelling at me! He was really really mad, but I was not sharing the juicy parts with him! He can catch his own nice mole! Me and the big man got in a fight over my nice mole and I had to bite and scratch the big man and the big man hit me and threw me out in the garage! I hate the big man! He stole my nice mole! That was my nice mole! I am so mad at the the big man! I was just to the good juicy part!

The big man got on the phone to Mom and tattled on me! He told Mom he to clean up guts off our carpet and he was mad at me. Well, I got news for the big man! I am mad at him too and I am never bringing my nice moles in the house again! He can catch his own moles!

I want Mom to hurry up and come home so I can tell her my side of the story. She will be so mad at the big man for stealing my dinner. She loves me and she wants to me to have good things to eat. I did not catch that nice mole for the big man to eat. That was my dinner. If the big man wants to eat moles, he needs to act cool and catch his own. Like I do, because I am a cool cat.


Blogger Sable, Molly, and Ink said...

Monkey, at least your Mommy will let you outside to hunt! Mine won't. I cry and cry but she just won't let me out! There were rabbits in my yard yesterday! RABBITS! And I couldn't do a thing about it.

And my Daddy has been gone for a long time. I wish he'd come home. He might let me go hunt some rabbits.

1:05 PM  

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