Throne Monkey

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Mom has been doing stuff different and I think she is trying to confuse me.

Mom and the big man go to work in the morning. Sometimes the big man gets home when he is supposed to and they put on white shoes with laces and caps and run away. But they always come back. Then we work in the yard or do our chores.

Well, Mom has been doing stuff to confuse me. The big man wakes her up early and when the big man goes to work early in the morning, Mom puts on her white shoes with laces and a cap and runs away. She comes back. But Mom does not like to do stuff early in the morning. She is a sleepy head. If the big man did not wake her up, she would sleep until lunch time. But now Mom gets up and puts on white shoes with laces and a cap and runs away.

I stay outside in the morning so I can hide and scare Mom when she is walking around. She told me she is trying to exercise everyday. She said that if she waits until after she works, she is tired and it is hot outside so the best thing for her to do is get up early and run away. I told her if she really wanted to get exercise everyday, she should stay out with me at night and chase moles! That's how I stay skinny!

Mom told me this morning that she is going on a girl trip with her people mom and the people kid Julie. They are going to the place where it is very windy and the pizza is really good called Chicago. Do you think they invited me to go on their girl trip to the place where it is very windy and the pizza is really good called Chicago? NO! They did not! I have to stay home with the big man, like always.

I have not been in trouble in many days, I don't see why I have to stay home. The big man has to work all the time and I don't have anyone to bite and scratch. This is no fun at all. I told Mom that I am going to confuse her by going to stay and Mr. and Mrs. Black's house for a while. I told her if she really liked me, she could send my cat treats down there so I could have those while I'm confusing her.

One of these days Mom is going to take me on a trip. Because I am going to be sneaky and cool and hide in her big red suitcase. Because I know how to be sneaky and I am a cool cat.


Blogger Sable, Molly, and Ink said...

So are you coming to visit me with you Mom? That's the trip when you need to sneak into her suitcase! To visit me!!!

Mommy got mad at me last night. She said that I was talking too much & she locked me into the little room all night - the one with the loud white boxes! I missed her so much! It was awful!

So when she let me out I just loved and loved on her begging her not to put me in the little room again. She says that I just cannot talk to her once she turns off her light & goes to sleep.

12:21 PM  
Blogger Monkey said...

You should go outside at night like I do, Ink. You could chase moles and fat birds not bother your Mom at all.

3:23 PM  

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