Throne Monkey

Monday, November 26, 2007

I thought we would have a very nice weekend. Mom and the big man went somewhere to eat too much food on the day that people are happy about what they have called Thanksgiving. They left me in the house all day because it was cold outside and I needed to nap. When they got home, we watched TV and ate more food. I thought everything was fine.

But oh no, it was not! Mom and the big man got up very early on the day that was Friday and left. When they came back they had ALL the people babies. Black Hair Girl, Red Head Boy and Black Hair Boy. I was so mad! I ran away from home to Mr. and Mrs. Neighbor's house and did not come home for a long time. But then I wanted a cat treat, so I came home.

The people babies followed me around and bothered me. Black Hair Boy does not talk, he just screams at me. He plays with my tail and I do not like that. I have to hit him. Mom lets me hit him as long as I do not bite or scratch him. I do not hurt Black Hair Boy when I hit him, but he cries and acts like he is very hurt.

After I ate my food, I wanted to sit on the couch with Mom and watch TV like we did the other night. But the people babies bothered me and Black Hair Girl said I should be a princess. I am not a princess! I am a cat! I don't know what a princess is! The people babies put a purse on me. I am a cat, I do not need a purse. I am a boy and boys do not carry purses!

I asked Mom to please help me before that punk Jesse from down the street saw me with a purse and called me ugly names. Mom thought it was cute that the people babies shared their purse with me, but I did not think it was cute! It was embarassing!

The people babies spent the night at our house. Mom took the cushions off our new couch and pulled a bed out of it. I like that our new couch has a bed hiding in it and I wanted to sleep on it, but Black Hair Girl and Red Head Boy were sleeping on it and I did not want to sleep with people babies so I went outside and ran away from home again.

I came in the next morning and the people babies were dressed in very pretty clothes. Mom was all happy about how pretty the people babies were and she was taking pictures about how cute they are.

I was very mad because when I had a dress up, I had to be a stupid pumpkin cat and I did not like that. Mom did not say how cute I was and get all happy about it. She laughed at my dress up!

Mom and the big man loaded up the people babies and took them back to their own houses on Saturday. They only bothered me for one night. That is good because sometimes they come and stay a bunch of nights and I get very tired of them.

I am glad they are gone. Mom and I are going to get our trees out and put them in the house. I am very happy about that because I like to climb trees and it is getting cold outside. I can climb the trees in our house where it is warm. And that is cool because I am a cool cat.
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Blogger Sable, Molly, and Ink said...

Monkey, the people baby was at my house for three nights. THREE. It was awful. Thankfully your people babies left after only one.

Your girl people baby almost looks like a people kid. People Kids are nice. You need to get your mom to teach the People Girl to get your cat treats. When they are that big they can give you treats! My people kids won't give me treats anymore because Mommy says that I am pudgy and don't need them at all. But my Big Girl keeps asking Mommy about buying me cat treats. She's standing up for me!

So that Black Haired Girl looks almost old enough to be trained. You need to start training her, Monkey, so that she can give you treats!

10:19 AM  

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