Me and Mom got the trees out of the boxes but we did not put lights and balls on them for me to play with. Mom waited because the people kid Justin and his girl came over to eat good food and after they ate, we all put the balls and lights on the tree in the dining room together.
Mom is still working very hard to get all our pretty Christmas stuff out because we like Christmas. All the people kids come over and that is OK except they bring those people babies with them sometimes. Santa Claus brings me toys and cat treats, too.
I thought everything was just fine at our house but on the day that was Tuesday, it was not. Mom had to leave early to go a place where she talked to people about important stuff called a meeting. I was in the house because I always stay in the house for my naps in the day time. While Mom was gone, my tummy hurt. I think the people babies made me sick. When Mom got home, I was telling her that I did not feel good. She told me to go outside and I did not want to. She went up to her new office to work and I decided I really needed to go outside to poo because the people babies made me sick.
I went upstairs to tell Mom to let me out, but she was talking to important people on the telephone and would not let me out. I really had to poo and I was walking around looking for a place to poo real fast that would not be in Mom's way. When she got off the phone, she came out of her new office and she was very mad because she could smell that I had to poo. When she found out I poo'ed on the nice bed in the guest room, she got very mad at me and picked me up and yelled at me all the way down the stairs and threw me outside! She did! She is a mean Mom! I tried to tell her that I poo'ed where it would not be in her way and she should be happy about that, but she was not.
I was very nervous when I went outside because that was not the only place I pooed in the house on the day that was Tuesday and I didn't feel good because the people babies made me sick. It was later when Mom came outside yelling at me and saying loud words I am not allowed to say. She found the other poo on her bed. I told her that she should not be mad because I pooed on the side of the bed where the big man sleeps, not her. But she was not happy about that. Next time I'll just poo on her side of the bed because she will be mad anyway.
She told me Santa Claus knew that I pooed on 2 beds in the house and that he was mad. I am not happy about that because if Santa Claus is mad, he will not bring me toys and cat treats! I bet the big man told him because the big man cannot keep a secret. I think I'll just bite and scratch him when he gets home today.
Mom was not going to let me in the house today because I pooed on 2 beds. But I told her I had to check the internet so I can get her a Christmas present, so she let me for a little while. Maybe she is not too mad at me today. That would be cool and I am a cool cat.
Monkey, don't you have a place to poo in the house? My Mommy & Daddy have a box for me in the room where they clean clothes so that I can poo in the house if I need to. Because if I poo'd in the house anywhere else Daddy would make me stay outside all of the time. And that wouldn't be cool at all!
Tell your mom to get you a box to poo in.
Ink, you poo in a box? I will not poo in a box! The big man has a bunch of really flower beds outside that he fixes up for me to poo in. Once when I was sick, Mom made me stay in the house for a long time and she put a box by the door for me to poo in.
I do not want to poo in a box! I did not poo in that box! I stayed by the door and meowed until she let me out!
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