Speaking of problems, me and the big man got in a fight yesterday and I am very mad at the big man! I was trying to be good yesterday after lunch. I was napping under the pretty tree in the living room and I heard some noises in Mom's sleeping room. I went back there to see what the noise was and I found a baby squirrel in Mom's sleeping room! Baby squirrels are not supposed to be in our house! I chased the baby squirrel and I caught it for Mom. It was a fun baby squirrel, so I was playing with it just a little bit when I brought it to the kitchen for Mom to see.
Mom got all worked up and said to get that baby squirrel out of the house. I was going to but I was playing with it first. Mom got the broom and started hitting me and the baby squirrel! She is a mean Mom! She was trying to sweep my baby squirrel out the door! That is my baby squirrel, I'll take it outside! I was hissing at Mom and her broom and she was hitting and chasing my baby squirrel all over the kitchen. I was trying to get my baby squirrel before Mom hurt it bad and it couldn't play.
Mom chased the baby squirrel into the little bathroom with my big water bowl by the kitchen. It hid behind the garbage can and I was trying to get it. It ran out and climbed on the sink and I jumped up to get it. Mom was still hitting it with the broom and the little bathroom is little so she was hitting the walls and everything in the bathroom. Finally she gave up and shut the door with me and the baby squirrel still in the little bathroom. I thought that was very nice of her. I got to play with my baby squirrel in that little bathroom and it could not run away.
Then the big man got home. Mom told the big man that all the stuff in the little bathroom by the kitchen was his problem. I think she got that backwards as the big man is a problem. The big man put on gloves and came in the bathroom. He tried to kick me out of the bathroom and I did not want to get kicked out of the bathroom. I was hissing and scratching him and he was saying loud words I am not allowed to say. Me and him fought for a long time and he kicked me out of the little bathroom! I am so mad at the big man! He was trying to steal my baby squirrel!
I could hear the big man playing with my baby squirrel so I scratched and meowed at the door so he would let me back in. He would not. He is a very mean big man! He caught my baby squirrel in the garbage can and took it outside. I followed him so I could get my baby squirrel back. But what did he do? He shoo'ed me away and let my baby squirrel go and it ran away.
The big man is always trying to get my food and playmates. I worked hard to catch that baby squirrel and it was mine and the big man took it away from me. I do not like the big man. I know Santa Claus saw the big man being mean. I know the big man is not going to get any toys and treats because he is a bad big man. I did not come back in the house last night until very late and I ignored the big man and just played with Mom.
I am going to get lots of toys and cat treats from Santa because I have been very good and I am a cool cat.
Monkey, you are so lucky! There aren't any baby squirrels in our house. There aren't even any in the yard! I wish that I had a baby squirrel.
You should poo in the Big Man's chair. They hate that.
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