Mom stayed at the people kid Julie and her man's house all week long to see the new people baby. That is not fair, I had to stay home with the big man. I have told Mom a bunch of times that people babies are no good because people babies make people sick. Every time the people babies come over to our house, Mom gets sick. Well, just like I told her, the new people baby made the people kid Julie very sick. The people kid Julie is so sick that she keeps her sleeping clothes on all day and takes naps all the time and cannot sit down. Mom had to take care of the people kid Julie because that new people baby made her sick.

Mom had to take care of the cats that live at the people kid Julie's house too. Mom was not nice to the cats because she made them wear pink ribbons for the new people baby. Cats do not like to wear ribbons! One of the cats is not afraid of the people baby and still tries to sit in the people kid Julie's lap. The other cat is very scared of the new people baby and hides under the bed and will not come out except to poo in a box in the bathroom.

Then a big pink bird was in their yard about the people baby. I don't see why everything is all about the new people baby. Nobody ever does anything nice for cats!
Mom came home last night and I was very glad to see her. The big man was too because he is tired of eating soup out of cans for dinner. I was trying to love on Mom but the big man was all in the way trying to bother her by hugging her.

I am not happy that Mom is only at home for 2 days. She is going back to the people kid Julie's house on the day that will be Sunday because Mom has to help take care of the people kid Julie and the new people baby. Mom should just take the people baby back to the hospital so the people kid Julie will not be sick any more. But will she do that? No she won't. Because Mom is all worked up and giggly about people babies. Like we don't have enough already. I do not like any of this. People babies are not cool and I am a cool cat.
I cannot believe that your mom put ribbons on those cats, Monkey! We should report her to the SPCA!
Frankie says....
Monkey, be very glad that you were not part of the ribbon wearing. My big man puts stickers on my head and little hair clips on my tail. I can't even imagine a ribbon around my neck. Don't tell him, either, because he might think it's a good idea.
What is it with these people? Don't they get that cats don't like to be decorated? If we wanted ribbon, we'd go find it ourselves.
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