Throne Monkey

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sometimes Mom gets a project at our house. When she gets a project, that means our house will be very messy for a bunch of days and she will tear the walls off and make them a different color. I do not like when Mom has a project because I am a neat cat and I do not like to walk around in our house when it is very messy from projects.

Mom got a project last month and she was not messy with it at all. Mom told the big man that we needed more beds in our house because we have so many people babies. I do not like that we have beds for the people babies because that means they will sleep at our house and that is not good for the cat. When the people babies are here, they bother me all the time, they bother my food too. Don't forget that Mom is so busy with the people babies that she does not have time to pet me enough. The people babies always make Mom sick when they are here. There is nothing good about people babies at all but Mom will not listen to me about it.

I was not happy about the project to get more beds for people babies. But once Mom got the new beds and the nice blankets to go on them, I thought it was OK. I like to go upsets to the new bedroom and sleep on the new beds. I take turns sleeping on them because there are two beds in the new bedroom. The big man asked Mom if she was making a hotel but I don't know what that is.

I guess Mom knew that I did not like it that she got more beds for the people babies and Mom likes me best, so she surprised me by getting a nice bed just for me! I love my new bed and I sleep in it a lot. It is very comfortable. I was sleeping in my new bed in the new bedroom minding my own business when Mom saw me. I was telling her thank you for my very own new bed. She yelled at me! She said that was not my bed! That bed is for the people baby Pretty Girl and cats cannot sleep in people baby beds!

I am so mad at Mom. That is my new bed! Those people babies can sleep outside. People babies are not cool like me. I am a cool cat.
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Blogger Sable, Molly, and Ink said...

Monkey, those people babies just seem like too much trouble. My people baby isn't here much at all. His mommy has to bring his own bed when he comes and my mom isn't getting one for him. So you can come here if you want.

10:13 AM  

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