I have not told my internet cat friends stuff in a long time. Santa Claus did come to see me! I got cat treats and some new cat toys. I must have been a very good cat this year because I got a lot of cool cat stuff.
Right after Christmas, Mom got all worked up about getting our house cleaned up and
Me and the big man were fussing about Mom telling us to do stuff all the time called orders and he told me that Mom is having a big party at our house that will last a long time. He said that a bunch of Mom's internet friends are coming to our house to stay for a bunch of days and nights. He said Mom was our house to be neat and nice for her big party.
I did not believe the big man because well, he is the big man so I emailed my internet cat friend Sammie who lives in the place where a bunch of liars live called Washington DC. Sammie said that her Mom was coming to this big party and so is Ink's mom. When Mom was busy doing chores, I went to her new office upstairs and did a conference call with all my internet cat friends and found out that a bunch of my internet cat friends' moms are coming to our house. Lucy who is very smart and knows about numbers and lives in the place where two cities look a like called Minnesota said her mom is coming. My internet cat friend Frankie who lives in the place where the trees have no leaves and prickly things on them called cactus said his mom is coming. Bruno and Sullivan, who's mom made them ride in a cage in a car for a bunch of days and nights so they could move to a new house far away called New Hampshire said their mom is coming too. That stupid dog that Mom makes me be friends with called Snoopy that lives in the place where only bad things happen called Atlanta is coming. Fuzzy's mom from the place where cars go around really fast in a circle called Indianpolis is coming too.
Me and my internet cat friends decided to ask our moms if they could come to the big party too and our Moms said NO. That is not fair. We want to have a party too! Our moms get to have a party with their internet friends, why can't we? We decided that we will poo in their shoes while they are gone.
Black Hair Girl and Red Head Boy helped Mom make the big man a nice cake while Black Hair Boy chased me with a helicopter. I get so tired of people babies. They come to our house all the time.
Monkey, I talked to my Mom and she says that she cannot bring me because it costs extra to bring a cat on the plane. Plus, my Big Girl will be here this weekend and she would be very upset if I was gone. But I'll tell you that if you will curl up in my Mom's lap this weekend, she'll pet you for hours. And she'd probably even go and find the cat treats and give them to you. She's cool like that.
Yikes! Good thing I store my shoes in a box so Frankie can't poo in them.
(although he would probably outsource that job to Lucy, who likes to do that sort of thing)
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