Every time I turn around, there are people babies at our house. I am very tired of it. Now that there are 5 people babies, there are too many. I am a busy cat. I do not have time to mess with people babies. It is spring time at our house, which means I have to kill things. I need to run around and be a cat, I do not have time to be nice to people babies.

The first people baby, Pretty Girl, came to our house with suitcases and stayed for too many days and nights. Pretty Girl's people mom and dad went far away where there are mountains and not enough air called Colorado to put sticks on their feet called skis and fall down on snow. We had snow and I did not like it. I would not go far away to the mountains where there is not enough air called Colorado just fall down on snow! But Pretty Girl stayed a long time. She cannot crawl or walk so she cannot get me, but she likes cats so Mom made me be nice to her. I did not want to be nice to her! I wanted to go outside and get a fat bird!

It wasn't long after Mom and the big man finally got rid of Pretty Girl that Tater Boy and Red Head Boy came to stay at our house. Tater Boy has not stayed at our house before, this was his first time. He can crawl on our new floors and he tried to bother me. I had to get on Mom's bed so he would not get me. Mom let Tater Boy take a bath in our sink. I did not like that because Mom washes my cat bowl in that sink and it does not need a Tater Boy in it messing it up.

Red Head Boy is 4 people years old now and he thinks he is very smart. When Mom and the big man do not do what he wants, he gets all mad and does something Mom calls pouts. If I were Mom I would just throw him out in the garage like she does me. But does Mom do that? No, she does not! She talks to Red Head Boy and is all funny trying to make him smile so he will not pout.
Our house is just fine without people babies, I don't know why Mom and the big man get all worked up about them. They are a lot of trouble. Pretty Girl and Tater Boy poo in diapers and cough up hair balls all the time. Mom has to clean them up all the time. Red Head Boy pouts. Black Hair Girl cries and gets very sad about stuff called a drama queen. Black Hair Boy gets Mom's tools out of her red box and hits things with her nice hammer. Mom and the big man do not have to keep people babies, they have their own moms and dads and their own houses.

I do not like it when they are here because Mom and the big man act like they like the people babies better than me. The people babies get in my way. That is not cool and I am a cool cat.
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