We have been too busy at our house and I cannot keep up with everything. The first thing that happened was Mom got a new car. She has been talking about a new car for 2 years and the big man told her to stop talking about it and just go get it. So one Saturday the big man told Mom he was taking her to eat food at the place she does not have to cook called Logan's Roadhouse. And before they went to eat food that Mom did not cook, they went to the place where people bother you a lot to buy their new cars called the Nissan Place and Mom got one. Mom likes it a lot and since I know how much she likes it, I watch over it for her.
The next thing that happened was that Mom went to the people doctor because her back hurts and she whines all the time called hypochondria. Me and the big man get tired of Mom whining all the time about her hurting back called hyponchondria so we made her go to the people doctor. The people doctor sent Mom to the place where they made her get in machines with loud noises all around her called tests. The people doctor told Mom she has a bad back and she has to go to the place where she gets on the floor and rolls around and stretches like a cat called physical therapy.
Mom is very mad about her bad back. She does not want her back to be bad and she is all grouchy about it. I do not like a grouchy Mom so I want her to get another back that is not bad.

The next thing that happened is Mom got another one of those projects at our house. This time we moved all our nice furniture out of our living room. My nice couch is in the kitchen with the piano. The other couch is the room where people sit around and eat too much food and it is very messy in there. Mom is not messy and I do not like it when she lets our house get all messy like this. I can't find my places to nap and I am nervous all the time. Mom had people come to our house with scissors and knives and they cut our floor off! They did, they cut it off and put it in their truck and drove it away! I was so mad about that!. Then they came back the next day and put a different floor in our living room. Mom is all excited about our new floor. Me and the big man did not see anything wrong with our old floor. It was soft and warm and if I coughed up a hair ball, it just soaked right in. Our new floor is not soft and warm and if I cough up a hairball on it, Mom will hit me with the broom and throw me in the garage.

Since our house is messy, we don't have to do a lot of chores. Me and Mom have been playing a new game on the computer called Pathwords and Twist. I get mad when we play because Mom always wins because I do not know how to spell words. I asked my internet cat friends Ink and Sammie about spelling words and they do not know how either. That is not fair that cats cannot win spelling word games. Maybe somebody needs to make a cat game for the computer so me and my internet cat friends can play. That would be cool and I am a cool cat.
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