I am very mad at Mom today!
Mom gets up on the day that is Friday and puts paint on her face called makeup and nice clothes called suits and goes to the place where people go out to eat and buy stuff called Memphis. Mom leaves in the middle of the night to go to the place where people go out to eat and buy stuff called Memphis, but she does not go there to go out to eat or buy stuff. She goes there to give people something called speeches and sometimes people give her something called speeches.
Mom did not go an give people something called speeches today. Somebody in a big truck got stuck on the road and Mom could not get by so she had to come back home. I thought that was OK until Mom went to the place where she hides things called the attic and got the cat cage. I hate the cat cage! I do not want to get in the cat cage!
Mom put me in the cat cage and took me to Dr. Smith's hospital! I do not like Dr. Smith's hospital. Sick cats are at Dr. Smith's hospital and I am not a sick cat! I was so mad when we got to Dr. Smith's hospital. The nice people lady that likes cats a lot took me and Mom to a little room to wait for Dr. Smith. I was so nervous that a bunch of my hair fell out. Mom got mad about that because the hair fell on her and she still had on her nice clothes called suits. I tried to get away but the door was shut and I could not reach the knob.
I am so mad at Mom about this. She tricked me and came home early and took me to Dr. Smith's hospital. That is not cool, Mom is not cool either. I'm waiting for the people kid Julie to get here so I can tattle on Mom. The people kid Julie is cool, like me. I am a cool cat.
Monkey, I was wondering where you were! Are you feeling better now that you ate the little rocks?
My mommy has also been on the airplanes a lot, but she says that she is home now. I slept with her on Friday just to let her know that I missed her, but the Big Girl likes when I sleep with her so I was back in her bed after that.
Do you have to share your mom's lap? Yesterday Mommy sat in the chair in the sunny warm room to read her book and she let that stupid dog Molly sit with her! I had to share MY lap with a DOG. It was humiliating, but the Big Girl was busy cleaning her room and I didn't have another lap.
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