At the place where Mom works to make money and buy me cat treats, the people do not want to spend a lot of money on work stuff. Mom has been trying to do things without spending her work's money called cheap. While Mom was trying not to spend too much work money, she had to go to the place where the wind blows her hair and makes her mad called Kansas City. She did not have enough time for the airplanes to get her there so she had to drive to the airport by the people kid Julie's house to not spend money called cheap and fly on a plane that does not cost a lot of money called Southwest. We do not have those kinds of planes at our airport, so Mom had to drive a long way to find one.
She drove to the people kid Julie's house and spent the night and was all happy about seeing the people baby, Pretty Girl. That was fine with me because if Mom sees the people babies at their own houses, they do not have to come to ours. Mom got on the plane that does not cost a lot of money called Southwest and went to the place where the wind blew her hair and made her mad called Kansas City and then she came back.

Mom told me the cat was lost and lived in the woods. A nice lady found the cat and tried to help the cat. The cat lost its Mom and big man. The cat needs a new place to live because it does not want to go the place where cats are in jail called the shelter.
I do not blame the cat, I do not want to go to the place where cats are in jail called the shelter, but that does not mean I want the cat to live at our house. Mom told me I was only thinking of myself called selfish. I do not care about that, I just do not want another cat bothering me, eating my cat treats. I was very mad about this. Mom told me that was too bad, the cat was staying.
The big man did not know a cat rode in Mom's car to our house. I was waiting for him so that I could tell him to make the cat go away. The big man walked in our living room and the cat was laying on the couch by Mom. The big man said, "What is that?" and Mom said, "It was here when I got home, I thought it was yours."
I started growling and hissing because Mom was telling a story that was not right called a fib! Mom brought that cat to our house!
The big man petted the cat and said he liked the cat and that Monkey needs a friend. NO! Monkey does not need a friend! Monkey needs cat treats!
I was so sad about this. I tried to hiss and growl at the cat so he would run away but he did not. I would not let him eat food out my cat bowl but Mom just got him a different bowl.