Throne Monkey

Friday, November 30, 2007

Mom finally stopped being mad at me and let me sleep in the house again. I am very glad about that because it is cold outside. I don't mind it when I am prowling at night, but when I am trying to nap, I like a nice warm house.

Mom left the people baby bed in her bedroom for me to sleep in and I like that. I have been taking a bunch of naps in the people baby bed and on our new couch. We have been working hard to get our house fixed for Santa Claus. We have three trees we put in the house and now we have two of them ready for Santa Claus. Mom works very hard every night to get our house ready.

Last night she was working very hard and got tired. She told the big man she wanted to do something called take a break and sit on the couch. Mom and the big man fixed uppity drinks called club soda and sat down on the couch to watch TV. Mom and the big man never watch TV. I didn't even know the TV in the living room worked! Me and Mom listen to the TV in the bedroom in the mornings when she is getting ready to go to her new office and I am drinking out my big water bowl.

I was bored watching TV so I decided to go out early last night. The stupid dogs that live in the yard behind us were out running around and they were bothering me. They chased me to our porch and I just jumped up on the rail where they could not get me and called them names. They do not like for me to call them names because they are stupid dogs. They were all mad about me calling them names and they started barking and jumping. I was laughing at them because they were still stupid dogs.

I guess the stupid dogs barked so loud they bothered Mom because she came out the front door and started yelling at the stupid dogs and they got all nervous and started barking and running and I didn't know what was happening so I jumped off the rail so I could run in the house and when I did, I accidently jumped in front of one of the stupid dogs and he tried to get me. I had to bite and scratch and hiss at him and Mom got all worked up about me fighting with stupid dogs on our front porch. She yelled louder and the stupid dogs ran really fast to get away from her and I went in the house. The big man was laughing at me because I got in a fight with stupid dogs on our front porch. If I had not been so tired, I would have fought with him too.

I stayed in for a while and then went out prowling like I always do. Stupid dogs are not going to stop me from being a cat. This morning I came in to nap. I like our house when it is ready for Santa Claus. I want him to come now. I am waiting for him under one of our trees. I have been calling him and calling him to hurry up and come. I like Santa Claus. He is cool like me, I am a cool cat.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

On the day that was Sunday, Mom got the trees out of the place where she hides things called the attic. The trees were in big boxes and me and Mom had to work hard to get the boxes in the house and start getting the trees out of them. Me and Mom put up two trees, one in the living room by our new couch and one in the room where people are supposed to eat but Mom and the big man never do called the dining room.

Me and Mom got the trees out of the boxes but we did not put lights and balls on them for me to play with. Mom waited because the people kid Justin and his girl came over to eat good food and after they ate, we all put the balls and lights on the tree in the dining room together.

I was so happy to have the trees in the house! I was climbing the trees and attacking Mom when she put her hand on them. Mom got mad about it and sprayed me with the water bottle. I did not like that! She told me I had to stay out of the trees this year! Those are my inside trees! No one else wants to play with them!

Mom is still working very hard to get all our pretty Christmas stuff out because we like Christmas. All the people kids come over and that is OK except they bring those people babies with them sometimes. Santa Claus brings me toys and cat treats, too.

I thought everything was just fine at our house but on the day that was Tuesday, it was not. Mom had to leave early to go a place where she talked to people about important stuff called a meeting. I was in the house because I always stay in the house for my naps in the day time. While Mom was gone, my tummy hurt. I think the people babies made me sick. When Mom got home, I was telling her that I did not feel good. She told me to go outside and I did not want to. She went up to her new office to work and I decided I really needed to go outside to poo because the people babies made me sick.

I went upstairs to tell Mom to let me out, but she was talking to important people on the telephone and would not let me out. I really had to poo and I was walking around looking for a place to poo real fast that would not be in Mom's way. When she got off the phone, she came out of her new office and she was very mad because she could smell that I had to poo. When she found out I poo'ed on the nice bed in the guest room, she got very mad at me and picked me up and yelled at me all the way down the stairs and threw me outside! She did! She is a mean Mom! I tried to tell her that I poo'ed where it would not be in her way and she should be happy about that, but she was not.

I was very nervous when I went outside because that was not the only place I pooed in the house on the day that was Tuesday and I didn't feel good because the people babies made me sick. It was later when Mom came outside yelling at me and saying loud words I am not allowed to say. She found the other poo on her bed. I told her that she should not be mad because I pooed on the side of the bed where the big man sleeps, not her. But she was not happy about that. Next time I'll just poo on her side of the bed because she will be mad anyway.

She told me Santa Claus knew that I pooed on 2 beds in the house and that he was mad. I am not happy about that because if Santa Claus is mad, he will not bring me toys and cat treats! I bet the big man told him because the big man cannot keep a secret. I think I'll just bite and scratch him when he gets home today.

Mom was not going to let me in the house today because I pooed on 2 beds. But I told her I had to check the internet so I can get her a Christmas present, so she let me for a little while. Maybe she is not too mad at me today. That would be cool and I am a cool cat.
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Monday, November 26, 2007

I thought we would have a very nice weekend. Mom and the big man went somewhere to eat too much food on the day that people are happy about what they have called Thanksgiving. They left me in the house all day because it was cold outside and I needed to nap. When they got home, we watched TV and ate more food. I thought everything was fine.

But oh no, it was not! Mom and the big man got up very early on the day that was Friday and left. When they came back they had ALL the people babies. Black Hair Girl, Red Head Boy and Black Hair Boy. I was so mad! I ran away from home to Mr. and Mrs. Neighbor's house and did not come home for a long time. But then I wanted a cat treat, so I came home.

The people babies followed me around and bothered me. Black Hair Boy does not talk, he just screams at me. He plays with my tail and I do not like that. I have to hit him. Mom lets me hit him as long as I do not bite or scratch him. I do not hurt Black Hair Boy when I hit him, but he cries and acts like he is very hurt.

After I ate my food, I wanted to sit on the couch with Mom and watch TV like we did the other night. But the people babies bothered me and Black Hair Girl said I should be a princess. I am not a princess! I am a cat! I don't know what a princess is! The people babies put a purse on me. I am a cat, I do not need a purse. I am a boy and boys do not carry purses!

I asked Mom to please help me before that punk Jesse from down the street saw me with a purse and called me ugly names. Mom thought it was cute that the people babies shared their purse with me, but I did not think it was cute! It was embarassing!

The people babies spent the night at our house. Mom took the cushions off our new couch and pulled a bed out of it. I like that our new couch has a bed hiding in it and I wanted to sleep on it, but Black Hair Girl and Red Head Boy were sleeping on it and I did not want to sleep with people babies so I went outside and ran away from home again.

I came in the next morning and the people babies were dressed in very pretty clothes. Mom was all happy about how pretty the people babies were and she was taking pictures about how cute they are.

I was very mad because when I had a dress up, I had to be a stupid pumpkin cat and I did not like that. Mom did not say how cute I was and get all happy about it. She laughed at my dress up!

Mom and the big man loaded up the people babies and took them back to their own houses on Saturday. They only bothered me for one night. That is good because sometimes they come and stay a bunch of nights and I get very tired of them.

I am glad they are gone. Mom and I are going to get our trees out and put them in the house. I am very happy about that because I like to climb trees and it is getting cold outside. I can climb the trees in our house where it is warm. And that is cool because I am a cool cat.
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

It has been a long time since I got to use the computer because the computer broke. Mom was gone on airplanes for a bunch of days and nights and while she was gone, her computer broke. She was very mad about that and she called the people at her work that fix computers and said loud words to them on the phone. She must have really scared them because they mailed her a new computer right away. It took her a while to get her new computer to work so I could not type stuff to you on the internet.

Not only does Mom have a new computer, but we finally got our new couch. I like our new couch and I have napped on it a lot already. The couch has a bed that hides inside of it. Mom says when the people babies come over we can get the bed out of the couch and people babies can sleep on it. I do not want people babies on our new couch! That is my new couch! The people babies can sleep somewhere else!

I know Mom has been very busy with her new computer and her new couch, so I have been a good cat and have been helping her in her office. I like to chase her little mouse on the desk and get her club soda, because I like to be uppity.

We got some of our boxes out of the place where I hide sometimes called the attic and brought them downstairs. The boxes have decorations in them for Christmas. I know about Christmas! Santa Claus comes and brings treats for cats! Mom said Santa Claus only bring treats to cats and people who are good. I am always good so I am not worried. The big man is worried because he is not good.

He gets all worked up when Mom is out of town and says loud words because he has to cook his own dinner. I ran out of cat treats when Mom was gone and he did not go to Walmart and get me some more. Mom was very mad about that because the big man is supposed to take care of me when Mom is gone. That is the only reason we let him stay here.

Tomorrow we are having a special day at our house where we are going to happy about stuff called Thanksgiving. Mom and the big man are going somewhere else to eat too much food at lunch but then they are coming home. Mom says we will snuggle on the new couch and watch movies and be lazy. I like that because I like to snuggle with Mom and be lazy. That is cool and I am a cool cat.
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Monday, November 05, 2007

We had a nice weekend at our house. I didn't know that it was going to be nice, I was a nervous cat most of the time. That is because I never know what Mom is going to do next. On the day that was Saturday, Mom and the big man put on white shoes with laces and caps and ran away. But they came back, they always do. Then me and Mom worked in the yard picking up sticks, attacking the water hose and planting flowers.

Mom and the big man were looking at the newspaper because they want a couch. I know what a couch is. I like couches a lot. We have three in our house, one downstairs where I nap and 2 upstairs where I nap. But Mom and the big man want another one and that is fine by me because I nap a lot. So they got all fixed up and went to the place where lots of places are that people eat and buy things called Memphis. I never get to go to Memphis and Mom goes there all the time. Mom and the big man went to places to eat and buy couches and then they came home. I was very nervous because they did not bring a couch home. They brought home something else for people babies! They never bring me anything! Everything is always for the people babies!

When Mom brings stuff home for people babies, that means people babies are going to show up at our house. I do not like people babies at our house, they bother me. So I was nervous waiting for the people babies to get here. I was a happy cat because on the day that was Saturday, the people babies did not come to our house.

On the day that was Sunday, Mom and the big man put on pretty clothes to go to the place where people act nice to each other for a few minutes called church but the big man loaded up all the bicycles and the people baby seats in the truck too. I have never been to the place where people act nice to each other for a few minutes called church, but I don't think they use bicycles there so I was confused about that. Well, Mom told me they were going to the place where people act nice to each other for a few minutes called church but they were going to the place where the people babies go. I was a happy cat about that because if Mom goes where the peoples are, they do not come here.

Mom and the big man got back after night time and were very tired. They rode people babies on bicycles and played outside with people babies all day. I was helping the big man put the stuff in the little room by the garage called the storage room and he was busy being the big man and did not let me out of the storage room! He locked me in the storage room! I could not get out! I am mad at the big man!

Mom was outside with her white shoes with laces and cap this morning and she was calling me because we like to roll around on the floor and do stretches called yoga together and she was missing me. I had to meow and yell really loud for her to hear me in the storage room. I am going to bite and scratch the big man when he gets home today. He should not lock cats in the storage room! Cats do not like it in there!

Mom came downstairs from her new office to eat lunch and get the mail. She was in the laundry room doing stuff, probably for the big man, and left her club soda on the counter where I could see it. She was all busy and was not looking at me so I decided to sneak over and have some club soda. I like club soda very much because it is uppity and I like to be uppity like Mom. Well. What did I see? Mom got a new movie. And I do not like the new movie. I do not want Mom doing what the people in the movie are doing. I will be so embarrassed if that punk Jesse from down the street looks in our windows and sees Mom jumping around and carrying on like she has a bug called a bee biting her. I am very nervous about this.

I have to figure out how to get this movie away from Mom so that she will not do this bad thing. I do not want to be embarassed with a Mom who jumps around and carries on like she has a bug called a bee biting her. That would not be cool and I am a cool cat.
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Thursday, November 01, 2007

So yesterday was the day that is bad for black cats called Halloween. Mom was all excited because she likes for people kids in scary dress ups called costumes to come to our house. She gives them candy so they'll come back. She left her new office a little early and got all our nice pumpkin decorations out of the house and put them on the cat walk on our front porch. Then put candles in all of them to make them light up. She told me to stay away from the cat walk because she did not want our nice decorations to fall off and break. All the neighbors said our house looked very nice and Halloweenie.

I was trying to stay out of the way because I did not want to wear that ugly pumpkin cat dress up Mom bought me when she knows I wanted to be a turtle. Mom opened a window by our porch and made the radio play scary music. She got her big bowl of candy. Then she waited. And waited. She waited for a long time and no little people kids came to our house in scary dress ups called costumes.

So Mom went in the house and cooked the big man some dinner. I prowled around while she was in the house to see what all the pumpkins were about. Halloween was not so bad for me because just a few little people kids came by and they were not that scary.
Mom and the big man blew out the candles before it was late and Mom took all the pumpkin decorations in the house. Mom said she did not like this Halloween because there were no little people kids around. Mrs. Neighbor said that the little people kids all went to parties called Fall Festivals and did not have time to come to our house so Mom could give them candy. Now Mom is all worked up because we have too much candy to eat.

I wish there was a special day for cats to go to houses and get cat treats! It is not fair that people kids can do that and cats cannot. I could go get cat treats from all our neighbors and if Mom had too much cat treats left at our house, I would not be worked up about it. I think that would be cool. I would be happy and eat the cat treats because I am a cool cat.
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