We have had problems with the people screaming on television about how cold it is called weathermen. One day they scream because it is warm in the winter time and then time they scream because bad stuff called snowstorms are coming. We live in the place where people say YALL and there is not supposed to be white ice on the ground called snow. We like it that way.
But the people were screaming on the television about a big storm and all the people listened. Even Mom left and went to Walmart to buy milk, bread and cat treats even though we had plenty at our house already. The big man said that is what people are supposed to do when big storms come. Maybe milk and bread will keep the storm from blowing our house away, I don't know. If it does, we are OK because we have plenty.
Mom and the big man put on lots of clothes that were ugly called coveralls and went outside to
I did not want to go outside because snoe was everywhere and there was no place to sit. I did not think the snow was fun at all, but Mom and the big man walked around the yard in the snow and made balls out of the snow and threw them at each other. They watched our nice neighbors sliding up and down our street on flat fast things called sleds.
I got tired of watching all the fun outside and I had to poo so I decided to go outside too. I would not have gone out, but I really really had to poo and I knew that if I pooed in the house, the big man would yell and holler and Mom would throw me out in the garage. I did not like that idea. I have never pooed in snow, so I thought at least I could try it.
Cats do not like snow and ice. I am a cat. I do not like snow and ice.
I went back in the garage and waited for Mom and the big man to go visit Mr. and Mrs. Neighbor and I pooed in the garage behind the big man's Christmas present called the ping pong table. I am not going out on that snow and ice. That is too cold. I do not like being a cold cat. I am just a cool cat.