I am a tired cat. All of the people babies came to our house and we have had a hard weekend. Black Hair Girl, Black Hair Boy and Red Head Boy were all here. They ran around and hollered a lot. They jumped on our nice bed that hides in our new couch. They jumped on Mom's bed, they bothered our pretty trees and broke balls on them. Our house was loud and noisy the whole time and it made me nervous.
They make our house very messy. On the day that was Saturday when the big man was at work and me and Mom were home by ourselves with all the people babies, they turned over all the chairs in our kitchen and made something called a fort under our table. Then they ran to the bedroom and ran to the living room and laughed and hollered. Black Hair Boy likes to shut doors and Mom gets very mad about that. One time he shut the door in the bathroom and locked it, and he was trapped in our bathroom! Mom could not get him out! She was knocking on the door and trying to break the door with a toothpick. I told Mom that little toothpicks are not going to break doors! But she would not listen about that. She got tools out of the big man's tool box and tried to open the door and nothing worked. Black Hair Boy was getting into stuff in our bathroom and I did not like that because my big water bowl is in there and I did not want the people baby to mess it up.
Mom had to call the neighbor, Mr. Cravitz, to come get the people baby out of the bathroom. Mr. Cravitz had to get out in the rain and come to our house with a little screwdriver to get the door open. Mom was very mad at Black Hair Boy and she whooped him because he locked the door and was trapped. Black Hair Boy cried and wanted to go home with Mr. Cravitz and I told Mom to let him go, we had enough people babies at our house and we would not miss one. But Mom made Black Hair Boy stay and he cried for a long time.
Black Hair Girl followed me around all the time and tried to pet me when I was napping. I was trying to play with her and she got in the way and I didn't mean to but I scratched her just a little bit. Black Hair Girl is a tattle tail! She started crying and ran to Mom and said "Monkey scwratch me." Mom got very mad at me about that. She said I cannot bite and scratch the people babies and she will put me outside if I am mean to the people babies. Then she told me she would tell Santa Claus!

The people babies have so much stuff when they come to our house. Not only do they mess up our stuff, but they bring messy stuff to our house and it is everywhere! How is a cat supposed to get a nap with stuff all over the floor?
And Black Hair Boy and Red Head Boy still poo in their pants and they smell so bad! Mom will not let me poo in the house but she lets those people babies poo in the house and she has to clean it up. That is not fair! If they can poo in the house, I should be able to poo in the house too.
Two of the people babies went away on Saturday but Red Head Boy stayed until the day that was Sunday. On Saturday night, Mom's people mom and dad and the big man's people mom and dad came over to our house and the people kid Justin and his girl came too. The big man cooked us steaks and all the people brought the people babies Christmas presents. I am very mad about that because no one brought me any presents! I have been around longer than the people babies and I am much nicer than they are! Why can't I have presents too?
Mom put all the chairs around the big table in the dining room so we could all eat steaks. But when I jumped in a chair, I got in trouble! Mom made me go outside! That is not fair! I was hungry too and they let Red Head Boy eat steak! I do not like those people babies.

Mom finally took Red Head Boy home on Sunday. I was just worn out from having them here for so long. I had to take a bunch of naps because I was so tired of people babies. Mom says we are not having company again until the next day that will be Saturday so I need to get a lot of naps so I can be ready. The only company I want to see is Santa Claus. Because he is cool and I am a cool cat.