It is a cat's worst nightmare. I knew about it. Mom told me about it the last time Santa Claus came to our house. She said we were getting two new people babies. My internet cat friend, Lucy, who is very smart told me that if we already have 3 people babies and we get 2 more, that means we will have 5 people babies. I do not want 5 people babies! I don't even want the 3 we already have!
My internet cat friend Ink told me that maybe everybody will change their minds and not get new people babies. Or maybe they will get them and decide they are too much trouble and send them back. I was hoping that something like would happen, but it did not. Mom and the big man have been so worked up and happy about new people babies. Well, the worst thing happened on the day that was Saturday. All the people babies came to our house.
The people kid April and her man already have Red Head Boy and now they have Buddha Boy too. All he does right now is eat and sleep but I know what will happen later. He will crawl on the floor and eat my cat treats. Then he will start running and chasing me and pulling my tail and I will want to hit him but if I do I will get in trouble.
The other new people baby belongs to the people kid Julie and her man. Pretty Girl is their first people baby and I hope she is the only people baby they will get. Pretty Girl just sits in her bucket right now, but I know what will happen very soon. She will have purses and dresses and necklaces and she will put them on me! I am a boy cat! I do not need a purse!
The people kid Julie and Pretty Girl came home with Mom on the day that was Thursday. Mom drove a long way to get them and bring them to our house. Mom should not have done that because the big man always fusses about how much money Mom spends putting stuff in our car to make it go called gas. Pretty Girl cries very loud when she is hungry and it gets on my nerves. I do not like for people babies to cry. If they have to be around, they just need to sleep and be quiet and leave a cat alone.
On the day that was Saturday, Mom started cooking too much food. I told her to please stop cooking too much food because every time she does that, a bunch of people show up at our house. I was very afraid the other people babies would come and sure enough, they did. Black Hair Girl and Black Hair Boy came first and they chased me and Black Hair Boy pulled my tail. Mom made him sit in the the chair in the corner called the bad chair. Red Head Boy and Buddha Boy came too with their Mom. Red Head Boy is good and he does not bother me. I guess it is OK for him to come to our house sometimes.
I texted my internet cat friend Sammie and asked her what to do about 5 people babies. She must be grounded from her cell phone because she did not text me back. I don't know what I'm going to do. This is a bad thing for cats. People babies are never good and they are not cool like me, I am a cool cat.