I have been hanging out with the big man because Mom is mad at me. I hope the big man does not think that I like him or anything, its just that a cat needs someone to watch television with sometimes.
Mom is mad at me for a bunch of stuff. On the day that was Tuesday, the big man told Mom a bunch of people were coming to our house to talk about things they want to do called a committee meeting. Mom worked hard to make sure our house was nice and that all the people baby toys were in the closet. Mom made some nice food for the people and would not let me have any of it.
On the day the bunch of people were coming to our house to talk about things they want to do called a committee meeting, Mom was finishing up her work in her new office. I knew she needed to hurry up because the people would be at our house soon. I went upstairs to tell her to hurry up. She was working on her computer and would not talk to me so I just laid on her computer. She shooed me away! I was trying to help her! She is mean to me!
I laid on her desk so she would hurry up. While I was laying there, I had to cough and choke. Mom yelled at me and jumped up and said "you will not cough up a hair ball in my new office" and she grabbed me and ran down the stairs and threw me out the front door! I was coughing and choking and she just made it worse. As soon as I was on our front porch, I coughed up a hair ball in front of our nice door. Mom was so mad at me! I couldn't help it! It is her fault for throwing me out the door!
Mom had to stop working and clean up the hairball on our front porch in front of our door. She was yelling at me and told me all the people coming to our house did not want to step in cat vomit when they came to our house to talk about things they want to do called a committee meeting. She made me stay outside after that and it was raining very hard and I did not like that. I tried to get back in but she yelled at me and told the big man she was very mad at me about the hairball on the front porch.
After all the people got to our house, they went to our dining room to talk about things. Mom went to our back porch with the screen around it so the grey cat can't get it. She had her computer on the nice table and she was working on stuff. I went through my cat hole to see her. I thought I might talk to her and say I am very sorry about the hairball but I heard the people in the dining room. I wanted to say hello to the people and tell them that Mom worked hard to make nice food and clean up hairballs for them. I ran into the dining room and one of the people ladies saw me and yelled very loud, "its a cat, oh no!" and she jumped up and all the people got upset and the lady was going to cry because she is afraid of cats. The big man yelled for Mom to come get the cat out of the house.
All the yelling scared me and I thought maybe there was some big cat in our house like a lion or tiger so I ran away to the kitchen. The people lady was still crying and yelling about the cat. The big man was mad and Mom came running in to get me. She was very mad at me. She pulled me by my leg to get me out of my hiding place under the cabinet. She took me out to the porch and put me down and shut the door so I could not go back in the house.
After all the people left, Mom and the big man were cleaning up our kitchen and they did not see me come in the door by the garage. I heard the big man fussing about the cat coming in and scaring the poor people lady. Mom told the big man that I coughed up a hairball before the people got there.
I hope Mom stops being mad at me. She knows I am a good cat and it is not my fault. It is not cool to have Mom mad at me. She should stop being mad because I am a cool cat.