Throne Monkey

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I have to be very quiet right now so I am typing very soft.

The people babies are asleep. We had a very bad night with the people babies. Black Hair Girl was sleeping in Mom's bed with me, the big man and Mom. She woke up and coughed up a really really bad people hair ball. It was very bad. She coughed up the people hair ball all over the bed and Mom and the big man.

Mom and the big man were all worked up about it. They had to get up and run me off the bed to take all the covers off. After Mom got Black Hair Girl cleaned up, she took her upstairs to sleep in another bed. Black Hair Girl coughed up another people hair ball on that bed too! Black Hair Girl coughed up people hair balls all night long in all of our beds! There was no place to sleep! I meowed to go outside!

Mom needs to stop getting mad at me about stuff. Now I know I'm not supposed to poo in the house, and really not supposed to poo in the big man's chair, but I've had accidents. I know my poo smells really bad and that's how Mom knows I've had an accident. She can clean up the poo and spray stuff on the chair and it does not smell bad any more. Well, Black Hair Girl's hair balls smelled so bad that our whole house smelled bad and Mom is still spraying stuff and it is still smelling bad. Mom doesn't need to yell at me about stinking poo when people hair balls are much worse.

Also, when I'm coughing up a hair ball in the house - I get in the floor and I only cough up one. Black Hair Girl coughed hers up in the bed and she coughed up hairballs all night long. Mom should be very proud of me for just coughing up one at a time in one place. Also, when I start coughing up a hairball, I get THROWN out the front door very fast. Did Black Hair Girl get thrown out the front door?? NO, she did not and that is NOT FAIR.

Speaking of not fair, Mom hung things on the wall for Santa to leave presents in called stockings. There is a stocking for Mom, the big man, all the people kids and the people babies and there is one for me. Well. Everybody else has big things on the wall for Santa to leave presents in called stockings and my thing is very, very small! That is not fair! I want lots of presents on the wall too! But my thing on the wall for Santa to leave presents in called stockings is too little. I have been very mad at Mom about this. I want a big one too so I can have lots of presents!

Everyone is so NOT FAIR to me! The people babies get all the attention, they don't get in trouble about stinking hairballs and they have bigger things on the wall for Santa to leave presents in called stockings. I may have to go live at Mr. Neighbor's house! Then they will have to be fair to me so I'll come back home. That would be cool and I am a cool cat.

Monday, December 18, 2006

I need some help!

We had another busy weekend. People kids were in and out. Mom got a bunch of boxes out of the closet and then she got big big rolls of paper and put the paper on the boxes. I was helping her by chasing the scissors when they were on the paper. Mom kept shooing me away.

She got paper on the boxes and put them under the tree in our living room with lights on it. She said the boxes with paper on them were presents for the people kids and people babies. There are no presents with my name on them. I am not a happy cat about that.

Mom and the big man are fussing because it is almost time for Christmas and it is not winter. It has been very warm where we are. We have been taking our walks outside with shorts on and Mom has the doors open. It is supposed to be cold at Christmas and it is not. I'm getting kind of hot too so I will be glad when it is winter time.

Well, now I need some help. I was outside today enjoying the summer time weather at Christmas time. Those stupid dogs that live in the yard behind us came over and I had to run up an outside tree to get away from them. Stupid dogs. As soon as they turned around, I ran in the house. I went to my favorite nap spot and went to sleep. Then I heard something t the door.

I woke up. Mom went to the door. Oh no! Oh no! People babies! Oh no! I ran and got in the tree in the living room! The people kids brought a bunch of bags and suitcases in our house. I know what that means! The people babies are here to stay for a while. It is Black Hair Girl and Black Hair Boy. Black Hair Boy now has one tooth and he crawls very fast. He finds me and sits there and yells really loud at me.

I got out of the tree and was sleeping in my nap spot. Black Hair Girl put Mom's dish wiping towel on me! I am a cat! I don't want dish wiping towels for covers! Black Hair Boy ate my cat treats! Mom knows she has to hide my cat treats from people babies.

I am going to stay in the tree in the living room. I don't care if the big man gets worked up about it or not. I am not getting beat up by people babies. That is not cool and I am a cool cat!

Friday, December 15, 2006

It has been so busy at our house!

Mom has stuff to do all the time and I am doing my best to help her. I am feeling a lot better and I told Mom I am not sick any more but she doesn’t believe me and she keeps making me eat little rocks called Medicine.

Mom and the big man went up in the hiding place called the attic and got a bunch of boxes and brought them in the house. I like the hiding place called the attic and I went up there too. The big man gets mad at me when I go to the hiding place and he hollers at me. He needs to leave me alone, he knows I’ve been sick. Maybe he needs to eat one of Dr. Smith’s little rocks called medicine so he can stop being all worked up.

Mom got trees and lights and balls out of the boxes that were in the hiding place called the attic. Me and Mom put the trees together and put lights and a bunch of balls and other fun stuff for me to play with called decorations on the trees. I am so happy! I have trees in the house that I can climb and hide in! They have toys on them for me to slap and play with! But wouldn’t know it, the big man gets all worked up when I climb the trees. He hollers at me and tells Mom I’m going to knock the trees over. Well. I’ve been climbing trees outside for a long time and I have not knocked one over yet!

We have a tree in the big room with the big table called the dining room and another tree in the room with the TV called the living room. There is another tree out on our porch with screens around it so the other cats can’t in. We have a bunch of little men in red suits and hats all over our house too. Mom calls them Santas and she has a whole bunch of them. They are sitting on our tables and shelves and in the floor. There are so many little Santas sitting around that I am worried Mom might Santas more than cats.

I know who Santa is, my friend Ink told me that Santa will visit on a special day and bring really special cat treats! Ink told me I had to be really good or Santa would not bother stopping to give me special cat treats so I have been very good lately helping Mom with all the stuff in our house. I’m expecting a bunch of special cat treats from Santa because I am a good, cool cat.

Me and Mom are very mad at the computer! My pictures will not work here! We have lots of pictures but the computer will not let me show them to you! We might have to find somewhere else to write about our stuff because this place is not working for us.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


I had enough of being sick. Dr. Smith poked me with sticky things that hurt and made me eat little rocks he called medicine. It only took one day of that for me to decide I did not want to be sick any more. So I got well because I was ready to go home.

I was mad because Mom did not come get me when I decided not to be sick. She left me for 3 days and nights at Dr. Smith's hospital and he made me eat rocks the whole time.

Did you know Dr. Smith lets stupid dogs stay in his hospital too? Dogs do not know how to be quiet and they bark all the time and get on my nerves. I was yelling for them to be quiet but they could not hear me for all their loud barking. Dr. Smith is very nice and the people at his hospital are very nice and like cats, but I do not like his hospital and I do not want to go back.

I knew that as long as I was trapped in Dr. Smith's hospital, my chores were not getting done at home, I was missing cat treats and helping Mom work in her office. I was tired of stupid dogs barking. I wanted to sleep on my bed on Mom's couch and eat my own cat treats.

Mom finally came to get me today! Dr. Smith talked to her and gave her a bottle of those little rocks he calls medicine and told Mom I had to eat rocks at home too. I do not want to eat rocks any more! Mom says I have to! Dr. Smith told Mom I was a lucky cat because I was very sick when I went to the hospital but now I am better.

I was glad to get home. As soon as we got in the house, I went straight to my Cool Cat bowl for treats. Mom gave me some fresh treats! Then I hid behind the little plant by the stairs and when she walked by I jumped out and attacked her for a surprise! She yelled at me! She said I scared her.

I went upstairs to help her work in her office. She has a lot of work to do and I got busy right away. The big man called her and asked about me. He acts like he likes me or something. Mom said the people kid Justin was coming over tonight to see me too. Everybody was worried about me. Even the people kid Julie called a bunch of time because I was a sick cat. Mom's people mom even called Mom all the way up in the very cold place called North Dakota to ask about me. Mom has a bunch of friends at a place called the internet that worried about me too. I didn't know I was such a special cat, I just thought I was a cool cat.

Monday, December 04, 2006

I am not being a cool cat right now. I am a very sick cat.

Mom and the big man went away for a day and a night to the people kid Julie's house to go see houses with lights on them for Christmas. I had to stay home. I have not been feeling very good lately and just laid around a lot.

I stayed under the little house in the back called the shed until Mom and the big man got home. I was so tired and felt so bad I couldn't run to the garage and in to the house. Mom saw me outside and came to get me. She is a good Mom. She took me in the house and get me cat treats, but I didn't want any. I was too tired and felt too bad to eat them. So Mom put me on my bed on the couch. She knew I was very sick and she brought me food and water. But I didn't want any. I slept in the house all night.

Mom got up very early today. She was rushing around everywhere and she kept bothering me to see if I was ok. She got a blanket and wrapped me up and we got in the car. I don't like to go places in the car! That is never good! It was not good today! Mom took me to Dr. Smith's hospital!

Dr. Smith is a very nice doctor but I don't like him because he kept me at his hospital. He pokes me with sticky things and makes me eat stuff. I just want to rest because I don't feel good. Dr. Smith said Mom calls all the time to see if I'm better. She is far away on a trip to a place where it is very cold called North Dakota. She wants me to be well when she gets back. I'm trying to get well but its hard because there a bunch of sick cats here and well, they might make me sicker.

I will stay in the hospital until Mom gets back on Thursday. I hope I get well soon because I don't like Dr. Smith to poke me with sticky things because it hurts and it is not cool. And I want to be a cool cat.