I have to be very quiet right now so I am typing very soft.
The people babies are asleep. We had a very bad night with the people babies. Black Hair Girl was sleeping in Mom's bed with me, the big man and Mom. She woke up and coughed up a really really bad people hair ball. It was very bad. She coughed up the people hair ball all over the bed and Mom and the big man.
Mom and the big man were all worked up about it. They had to get up and run me off the bed to take all the covers off. After Mom got Black Hair Girl cleaned up, she took her upstairs to sleep in another bed. Black Hair Girl coughed up another people hair ball on that bed too! Black Hair Girl coughed up people hair balls all night long in all of our beds! There was no place to sleep! I meowed to go outside!
Mom needs to stop getting mad at me about stuff. Now I know I'm not supposed to poo in the house, and really not supposed to poo in the big man's chair, but I've had accidents. I know my poo smells really bad and that's how Mom knows I've had an accident. She can clean up the poo and spray stuff on the chair and it does not smell bad any more. Well, Black Hair Girl's hair balls smelled so bad that our whole house smelled bad and Mom is still spraying stuff and it is still smelling bad. Mom doesn't need to yell at me about stinking poo when people hair balls are much worse.
Also, when I'm coughing up a hair ball in the house - I get in the floor and I only cough up one. Black Hair Girl coughed hers up in the bed and she coughed up hairballs all night long. Mom should be very proud of me for just coughing up one at a time in one place. Also, when I start coughing up a hairball, I get THROWN out the front door very fast. Did Black Hair Girl get thrown out the front door?? NO, she did not and that is NOT FAIR.
Speaking of not fair, Mom hung things on the wall for Santa to leave presents in called stockings. There is a stocking for Mom, the big man, all the people kids and the people babies and there is one for me. Well. Everybody else has big things on the wall for Santa to leave presents in called stockings and my thing is very, very small! That is not fair! I want lots of presents on the wall too! But my thing on the wall for Santa to leave presents in called stockings is too little. I have been very mad at Mom about this. I want a big one too so I can have lots of presents!
Everyone is so NOT FAIR to me! The people babies get all the attention, they don't get in trouble about stinking hairballs and they have bigger things on the wall for Santa to leave presents in called stockings. I may have to go live at Mr. Neighbor's house! Then they will have to be fair to me so I'll come back home. That would be cool and I am a cool cat.